A Thread Debug Interface (TDI)

for Implementations of

the POSIX Threads (Pthreads) Standard

TDI-Introduction Pthread Libraries, a modified GDB)
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TDI Introduction

Thread debugging with common debuggers is very uncomfortable if the debugger is not thread aware. There are a few solutions for that problem, most of them are based on the GDB (GNU Debugger). The common disadvantage of them is the specialization to a specific thread implementation. The POSIX standard for a C multithread programming interface offers the possibility to design a common debug interface for standard compliant implementations. The TDI is an approach to provide such an interface for the ,,whole" variety of POSIX threads implementations. This includes kernel thread implementations (Linuxthreads) as well as pure user space solutions (FSU Pthreads, MIT Pthreads).

The TDI is an abstraction layer between the SE tool debugger and the programming environment POSIX threads. Normaly neither the debugger is thread aware nor the Pthreads package provides debugging support. There are several approaches to get debugging support for Pthreads. One distinction is done by looking at the implementations behaviour while debugging it. The first alternative is a passive role while debugging. This requires a vast amount of decoding and symbol lookup on the debugger side and decreases the portability. All informations about threads and related informations have to be retreived by the debugger. The advantage is that there are no changes to the implementation beside the compilation with ,,-g". A much greater disadvantage is the coding effort necessary on the debugger side. Furthermore the debugger has to be updated for every Pthreads change, because the decoding stuff has to be updated.

The TDI uses the second approach to get debugging support. Using the Pthreads implementation as a server for thread related informations offers the possibility to provide a kind of abstract pthreads implementation interface by every specific implementation. In consequence the debugger only has to know how to debug an abstract pthread implementation. This makes the debugger independent to the Pthreads development. The TDI core embodies the debugger and pthreads independent part of thread debugging. It provides communication support for both the server side (pthreads) and the client (debugger). The TDI manages the query requested by the debugger, evalutes it by utilizing the abstract pthread implementation interface of the pthread implementation.

To get an experience of how the TDI is embedded into the debugging environment take a look at the following picture.

Mainly the TDI is an information server. We can consider every Pthreads Implementation as a dynamic database. Actually we have only three relations - Threads, Mutexes and CV's. The attributes are mentioned above. To access the data base easier a simple query system was developed.
TDI Perspectives
    Because the TDI is an interface it offers different possibilities to look at. The interesting views to the TDI are decsribed below.

    User View
    The level of visibility of the TDI for the user depends on the debugger implementation. The TDI provides a query language to get information about threads, mutexes and condition variables. If the debugger implements a command to access that TDI facility directly, the user is able to use it. In addition the debugger could transform symbol names into address values (used by the TDI) to get a user friendly query interface (names vs. addresses).
    An Example:
    User question: Which threads are blocked on a mutex with a priority of greater than 20 ?
    TDI-Query: ,,<TED>thread: id,prio,state,function,function_arg: status==0x2 && prio>0x20"

    Debugger(Gdb) View

    The development of a portable debugger is a hard work which is shown impressive by the Gdb implementation. One aim of the TDI was to not increase the complexity of the Gdb. Instead the TDI is a bit more complex than the TDI access by the Gdb. All Gdb access to the TDI is done by sending ASCII-sequences (human readable) to the TDI and receiving results in a defined format. For example a response to the above shown query example could be ,,1 2f 2 805b000 805bc28#2 21 2 805c000 805cc28". According to the request this response should be processed by the debugger to get a readable result. The debugger could resolve the function and function_arg address to symbol names, because the TDI can not be aware of symbol names.

    Pthreads View

    The Pthread Implementation has to provide the functions necessary to embody the abstract pthread implementation interface. For every kind of entity (threads, mutexes, CV's) there have to be attribute access functions. There is not much effort necessary to implement them. This should be an incentive for pthread developers to add that extension. The Pthread implementation can not see anything of the TDI. The TDI-Server is linked to the Pthreads-Library (there is a library linked for pthread support either a library implementation or a kernel thread package is used) at runtime (shared library support is necessary).

What does the TDI ?
    The TDI is an interface between the Debugger and the Pthreads implementation, that provides an application view for the debugger on a pthreads abstraction level. For short, the TDI makes all POSIX Objects and their relationshpis at runtime visible. This information can be used by the debugger to provide low and high level thread debugging.

    POSIX Objects

    If one imagines the POSIX Threads API as a world of objects, the following interesting objects could be noticed:

TDI Architecture

The TDI-kernel consists of three components:

Installation Details


You're welcome to make any suggestions and tell us your ideas. Please direct all TDI questions and bug reports to


Last Modified: 1999-Apr-25