Installation of Aztec 2.0 Benchmark on NCSU Cluster 1. Download the Aztec 2.0 source from 2. Untar the file. It has lib, get_packages, app and get_packages directory. The INSTALL file has instruction for installing the benchmark. 3. Aztec needs LAPACK, BLAS and Y12M libraries. Though LAPACK and BLAS are available in the cluster, we installed a local copy of the library. The following steps needs to be followed.. a. Send mail to, with message body of get_packages/netlib_mail file. b. The netlib server sends some 14 messages. Store the messages as file_a, file_b.... file_n. c. cd get_packages; process_netlib; This would generate all the files for library in the lib directory. Note: Check the PATH to include current directory "." 4. Edit the lib/Makefile.template and app/Makefile.template a. MPI_INCLUDE_DIR = -I/opt/mpich-1.2.4..8/include b. MPI_LIB = -L/opt/mpich-1.2.4..8/lib c. CCLINUX = mpicc 5. Run set_makefiles LINUX MPI. This creates the Makefiles - lib/Makefile.LINUX.MPI and app/Makefile.LINUX.MPI 6. cd app; make; cd ../lib; make 7. This creates the Aztec library and test applications.