Steps to configure, install and load Myricom's MPI implementation MPICH-GM. 1. Download the .gz file from (direct link: 2. Configure MPICH-GM to use ssh MPICH-GM uses either rsh (remote shell) or ssh (secure shell) to spawn off processes on remote nodes. The current setup assumes ssh version 2 is being used. The following steps need to be taken to configure MPI to use ssh. (Also see - Create the authentication key. Type ssh-keygen -t rsa When prompted for a password type enter (i.e. do not set any password). This generates the public & private keys ~/.ssh/ and ~/.ssh/id_rsa respectively. - Authorize acces. The above step is performed for all the nodes. The public keys of all the nodes are placed in the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 by opening the .pub files, copying and pasting their contents into the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2. - This authorized_keys2 file is copied to all the nodes and placed in the directory ~/.ssh/ - Configure MPICH-GM to use ssh by modifying the file mpich.make In mpich.make replace "setenv RSH rsh" by "setenv RSH ssh". 3. Configure MPICH-GM Type: setenv GM_HOME mpich.make 4. Create a conf file The "conf" file specifies the hosts on which the MPI application will run. This file must be accessible on all the nodes where MPI processes will be running. Each process will read this conf file as will the mpirun script. This file has to be placed in ~/.gmpi/ and named "conf". The generic description of the contents of this file is: [node_0_board_optional] [node_1_board_optional] [node_2_board_optional] . . . [node_N_board_optional] The ports here refer to the GM ports. These are 8 in number (0-7). Ports 2,4,5,6,7 are for users. Other ports are not for general user-process use. The 3rd parameter specifies the board number. This is of significance if a machine has multiple boards. Not specifying this parameter implies board 0. For the current setup it is not required to specify this parameter. The contents of the conf file for the current setup is as given below: 4 os16 2 os15 2 os14 2 os13 2 5. Run test program Run the cpi program in examples/basic. Type: cd examples/basic make ../../bin/mpirun.ch_gm --gm-v cpi