Error codes and descriptions

The following table is a list of the ALF error codes.
Table 1. Error codes and descriptions
Error Error code Description
ALF_ERR_PERM 1 No permission
ALF_ERR_SRCH 3 No such task
ALF_ERR_2BIG 7 I/O request out of scope
ALF_ERR_NOEXEC 8 Runtime error
ALF_ERR_BADF 9 Bad handle
ALF_ERR_AGAIN 11 Try again
ALF_ERR_NOMEM 12 Out of memory
ALF_ERR_FAULT 14 Invalid address
ALF_ERR_BUSY 16 Resource busy
ALF_ERR_INVAL 22 Invalid argument
ALF_ERR_RANGE 34 Numerical results or args out of valid range
ALF_ERR_NOSYS 38 Function or features not implemented
ALF_ERR_BADR 53 The resource request cannot be fulfilled
ALF_ERR_NODATA 61 No more data available
ALF_ERR_TIME 62 Timeout
ALF_ERR_COMM 70 Generic communication error
ALF_ERR_PROTO 71 Internal protocol error
ALFF_ERR_BADMSG 74 Internal protocol error
ALF_ERR_OVERFLOW 75 Value out of range when converting
ALF_ERR_NOBUFS 105 No buffer space available
ALF_ERR_GENERIC 1000 Generic ALF internal error
ALF_ERR_ACCEL 2000 Generic accelerator error