Overlapped I/O buffer example

The following two simple examples show the usage of overlapped I/O buffers. Both examples do matrix addition.
Figure 1. The two overlapped I/O buffer samples
This graphic shows the two implementations used in the examples

Matrix setup

Note: The code is similar to the matrix_add example, see Matrix add - host data partitioning example. Here only the relevant code listing is shown.
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* matrix declaration for the two cases           */
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef C_A_B // C = A + B
       alf_data_int32_t mat_a[ROW_SIZE][COL_SIZE];  // the matrix a
       alf_data_int32_t mat_b[ROW_SIZE][COL_SIZE];  // the matrix b
       alf_data_int32_t mat_c[ROW_SIZE][COL_SIZE];  // the matrix c
#else  // A = A + B
       alf_data_int32_t mat_a[ROW_SIZE][COL_SIZE];  // the matrix a
       alf_data_int32_t mat_b[ROW_SIZE][COL_SIZE];  // the matrix b

Work block setup

This code segment shows the work block creation process for the two cases.
for (i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; i+=PART_SIZE){
     if(i+PART_SIZE <= ROW_SIZE)
        wb_parm.num_data = PART_SIZE;
        wb_parm.num_data = ROW_SIZE - i;

     alf_wb_create(task_handle, ALF_WB_SINGLE, 0, &wb_handle);

     #ifdef C_A_B // C = A + B
            // the input data A and B
            alf_wb_dtl_begin(wb_handle, ALF_BUF_OVL_IN, 0);  // offset at 0
            alf_wb_dtl_entry_add(wb_handle, &mat_a[i][0], wb_parm.num_data*COL_SIZE, ALF_DATA_INT32); // A
            alf_wb_dtl_entry_add(wb_handle, &mat_b[i][0], wb_parm.num_data*COL_SIZE, ALF_DATA_INT32); // B

            // the output data C is overlapped with input data A
            // offset at 0, this is overlapped with A
            alf_wb_dtl_begin(wb_handle, ALF_BUF_OVL_OUT, 0);  
            alf_wb_dtl_entry_add(wb_handle, &mat_c[i][0], wb_parm.num_data*COL_SIZE, ALF_DATA_INT32); // C

      #else // A = A + B
            // the input and output data A
            alf_wb_dtl_begin(wb_handle, ALF_BUF_OVL_INOUT, 0); // offset 0
            alf_wb_dtl_entry_add(wb_handle, &mat_a[i][0], wb_parm.num_data*COL_SIZE, ALF_DATA_INT32); // A

            // the input data B is placed after A
            // placed after A
            alf_wb_dtl_begin(wb_handle, ALF_BUF_OVL_IN, wb_parm.num_data*COL_SIZE*sizeof(alf_data_int32_t));  
            alf_wb_dtl_entry_add(wb_handle, &mat_b[i][0], wb_parm.num_data*COL_SIZE, ALF_DATA_INT32); // B
      alf_wb_parm_add(wb_handle, (void *)&wb_parm, sizeof(wb_parm)/sizeof(unsigned int), ALF_DATA_INT32, 0);

Accelerator code

The accelerator code is shown here. In both cases, the output sc can be set to the same location in accelerator memory as sa and sb.
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* the accelerator side code                      */
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* the computation kernel function */
int comp_kernel(void *p_task_context, void *p_parm_ctx_buffer,
                void *p_input_buffer, void *p_output_buffer,
                void *p_inout_buffer, unsigned int current_count,
                unsigned int total_count)
  unsigned int i, cnt;
  int *sa, *sb, *sc;
  my_wb_parms_t *p_parm = (my_wb_parms_t *) p_parm_context;

  cnt = p_parm->num_data * COL_SIZE; 
  sa = (int *) p_inout_buffer;
  sb = sa + cnt;
  sc = sa;

  for (i = 0; i < cnt; i ++)
       sc[i] = sa[i] + sb[i];

  return 0;