Error codes

This section describes the DaCS error codes

All error codes which may be issued by DaCS APIs are listed here:
DACS_ERR_BUF_OVERFLOW: Buffer overflow
    - the specified offset or size exceed the bounds of the target buffer.
DACS_ERR_BYTESWAP_MISMATCH: The byte swap flags on the source and target
    do not match.

DACS_ERR_GROUP_CLOSED: The group is closed.
DACS_ERR_GROUP_DUPLICATE: The specified process is already a member of the
    specified group.
DACS_ERR_GROUP_OPEN: The group has not been closed.
DACS_ERR_INITIALIZED: DaCS is already initialized.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_ARGV: The value of argv is too large or invalid.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_ADDR: The pointer is invalid.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_ATTR: The flag or enumerated constant is invalid.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_DE: The specified DE is either invalid or not reserved.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_ENV: The value of env is too large or invalid.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is invalid.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_PID: The specified PID does not refer to a valid process.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_PROG: Unable to execute the specified program.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_SIZE: The size is zero or is not supported by the platform.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_STREAM: The stream identifier is invalid.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_TARGET: This operation is not allowed for the target DE or process.
DACS_ERR_INVALID_WID: The wait identifier is invalid.
DACS_ERR_MUTEX_BUSY: The mutex is not available.
DACS_ERR_NO_PERM: The process does not have the appropriate privilege
    or the resource attributes do not allow the operation.
DACS_ERR_NO_RESOURCE: Unable to allocate required resources.
DACS_ERR_NO_WIDS: No more wait identifiers are available to be reserved.
DACS_ERR_NOT_ALIGNED: The buffer is incorrectly aligned for the size of the data.
DACS_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED: DaCS has not been initialized.
DACS_ERR_NOT_OWNER: This operation is only permitted for the owner of the resource.
DACS_ERR_OWNER: This operation is not permitted for the owner of the resource.
DACS_ERR_PROC_LIMIT: The maximum number of processes supported has been reached.
DACS_ERR_PROHIBITED: This operation is prohibited by the implementation.</li>
DACS_ERR_RESOURCE_BUSY: The specified resource is in use.

DACS_ERR_WID_ACTIVE: A data transfer involving the wait identifier is still active.
DACS_ERR_WID_NOT_ACTIVE: There are no outstanding transfers to test.
DACS_STS_PROC_ABORTED: The process terminated abnormally.
DACS_STS_PROC_FAILED: The process exited with a failure.
DACS_STS_PROC_FINISHED: The process finished execution without error.
DACS_STS_PROC_RUNNING: The process is still running.
DACS_SUCCESS: The API returned successfully.
DACS_WID_READY: All data transfers have completed.
DACS_WID_BUSY: One or more data transfers have not completed.