

dacs_remote_mem_share - Pass a memory handle from the current process to a remote process.


DACS_ERR_T dacs_remote_mem_share ( de_id_t dst_de, dacs_process_id_t dst_pid, dacs_remote_mem_t mem )

Call parameters  
dst_de The target DE for the share.
dst_pid The target process for the share.
mem The handle of the remote memory to be shared.


The dacs_remote_mem_share service shares the specified remote memory handle from the current process to the remote process specified by dst_de and dst_pid. This service then blocks, waiting for a matching call to the dacs_remote_mem_accept service on the remote side.


The dacs_remote_mem_share service returns an error indicator defined as:
  • DACS_SUCCESS: normal return.
  • DACS_ERR_INVALID_DE: the specified DE is either invalid or not reserved.
  • DACS_ERR_INVALID_PID: the specified PID does not refer to an active process.
  • DACS_ERR_INVALID_TARGET: this operation is not allowed for the target process.
  • DACS_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE: the remote memory handle is invalid.
  • DACS_ERR_NOT_OWNER: this operation is only valid for the owner of the resource.


dacs_remote_mem_create(3), dacs_remote_mem_accept(3), dacs_remote_mem_release(3), dacs_remote_mem_destroy(3), dacs_remote_mem_query(3)