Symbolic constants

This section summarizes the specified symbolic constants the libspe API relies on. These symbols are defined in the <libspe2.h> header file. Any libspe application should include this header file.

SPE context creation

SPE_EVENTS_ENABLE Event handling is enabled on this SPE context.
SPE_CFG_SIGNOTIFY1_OR Configure the SPU Signal Notification 1 Register to be in "logical OR" mode instead of the default "Overwrite" mode.
SPE_CFG_SIGNOTIFY2_OR Configure the SPU Signal Notification 2 Register to be in "logical OR" mode instead of the default "Overwrite" mode.
SPE_MAP_PS Request permission for memory-mapped access to the SPE's problem state area(s).
SPE_ISOLATED This context runs on an SPU in the isolation mode. Programs loaded into contexts flagged with SPE_ISOLATED must be be correctly formatted for isolated execution.
SPE_ISOLATED_EMULATE Run this context on an SPU in an emulated isolation mode. This mode provides emulation of an isolated SPU without truly being isolated as is intended for use by developers who need access to debug tools during the development of their isolated applications. Programs loaded into contexts flagged with SPE_ISOLATED_EMULATE must be correctly formatted for isolated emulation execution.
Note: (Linux) Proper operation of a PPE assisted function call assumes the use of the ISOLATED version of the SPE library functions.


<none> <none defined>

SPE run control


SPE_RUN_USER_REGS Specifies that the SPE setup registers r3, r4, and r5 are initialized with the 48 bytes pointed to by argp.
SPE_NO_CALLBACKS Specifies that registered SPE library calls ("callbacks" from this library's view) should not be automatically executed. If a callback is encountered, spe_context_run returns as if the SPU would have issues a regular stop and signal instruction. Details can then be found in stopinfo.

spe_context_run; spe_stop_info_read

SPE_EXIT SPE program terminated calling exit(code) with code in the range 0..255. The code will be saved in spe_exit_code.
SPE_STOP_AND_SIGNAL SPE program stopped because SPU executed a stop and signal instruction. Further information in spe_signal.
SPE_RUNTIME_ERROR SPE program stopped because of one of the reasons found in spe_runtime_error.
Note: (Linux) The error SPE_SPU_INVALID_INSTR is reported as a Linux signal SIGILL if the SPE context was created without the flag SPE_EVENTS_ENABLE.
SPE_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION SPE program stopped asynchronously because of a runtime exception (event) described in spe_runtime_exception. In this case, spe_status would be meaningless and is therefore set to -1.
Note: (Linux®) This error situation can only be caught and reported by spe_context_run if the SPE context was created with the flag SPE_EVENTS_ENABLE indicating that event support is requested. Otherwise the Linux kernel generates a signal to indicate the runtime error.
SPE_RUNTIME_FATAL SPE program stopped for other reasons, usually fatal operating system errors such as insufficient resources. Further information in spe_runtime_fatal

In this case, spe_status would be meaningless and is therefore set to -1.

SPE_CALLBACK_ERROR An SPE program tried to use unregistered library callback, or a library callback returned a non-zero exit value, which is provided in spe_callback_error.
SPE_ISOLATION_ERROR The SPE isolation system mechanism has detected an error when attempting to load the isolated SPE program.
SPE_DMA_ALIGNMENT A DMA alignment error occurred.
SPE_DMA_SEGMENTATION A DMA segmentation error occurred.
SPE_DMA_STORAGE A DMA storage error occurred.
SPE_INVALID_DMA An invalid DMA error.
SPE_SPU_HALT SPU was stopped by halt
SPE_SPU_SINGLE_STEP SPU is in single-step mode
SPE_SPU_INVALID_INSTR SPU has tried to run an invalid instruction
SPE_SPU_INVALID_CHANNEL SPU has tried to access an invalid channel

SPE events

SPE_EVENT_OUT_INTR_MBOX Data available to be read from the SPU outbound interrupting mailbox. This event will be generated, if the SPU has written at least one entry to the SPU outbound interrupting mailbox (see spe_out_intr_mbox_read).
SPE_EVENT_IN_MBOX Data can now be written to the SPU inbound mailbox. This event will be generated, if the SPU inbound mailbox had been full and the SPU read at least on entry, so that now it can be written to the SPU inbound mailbox again (see spe_in_mbox write).
SPE_EVENT_TAG_GROUP An SPU event tag group signaled completion (see spe_tag_group_read).
SPE_EVENT_SPE_STOPPED Program execution on the SPE has stopped (see spe_stop_info_read).
SPE_EVENT_ALL_EVENTS Interest in all defined SPE events. This corresponds to a bit-wise OR of all flags above.

SPE tag group completion facility

SPE_TAG_ALL The function suspends execution until all DMA commands in the tag groups enabled by the mask parameter have no outstanding DMAs in the proxy command queue of the SPE context specified by spe. The masked tag status is returned.
SPE_TAG_ANY The function suspends execution until any DMA commands in the tag groups enabled by the mask parameter have no outstanding DMAs in the proxy command queue of the SPE context specified by spe. The masked tag status is returned.
SPE_TAG_IMMEDIATE The function returns the tag status for the tag groups specified by the mask parameter for the proxy command queue of the SPE context specified by the spe.

SPE mailbox facility

SPE_MBOX_ALL_BLOCKING The call blocks until all count mailbox messages have been read.
SPE_MBOX_ANY_BLOCKING The call blocks until at least one mailbox message has been read.
SPE_MBOX_ANY_NONBLOCKING The call reads as many mailbox messages as possible up to a maximum of count without blocking.

SPE problem state areas

SPE_MSSYNC_AREA MFC multisource synchronization register problem state area.
SPE_MFC_COMMAND_AREA MFC command parameter and command queue control area.
SPE_CONTROL_AREA SPE control area.
SPE_SIG_NOTIFY_1_AREA SPE signal notification area 1.
SPE_SIG_NOTIFY_2_AREA SPE signal notification area 2.


SPE_COUNT_PHYSICAL_CPU_NODES Requests the number of physical CPU nodes of the system.
SPE_COUNT_PHYSICAL_SPES Requests the total number of physical SPEs available either on the whole system or on a specified node.
SPE_COUNT_USABLE_SPES Requests the number of SPEs that can actually be used by the application at this point in time.
SPE_CPU_IS_CELLBE Identifies the CPU as a Cell BE CPU.
SPE_CPU_IS_CELLEDP Identifies the CPU as a CelleDP CPU with enhanced SPU double precision capabilities.


SPE_CALLBACK_NEW Register a new callback handler.
SPE_CALLBACK_UPDATE Update registration of an existing callback handler.