

spe_event_handler_deregister - Deregister the application's interest in SPE events.


#include <libspe2.h>

int spe_event_handler_deregister(spe_event_handler_ptr_t evhandler, spe_event_unit_t *event);

evhandler A pointer to the SPE event handler.
event A pointer to an SPE event structure.


Deregisters the application’s interest in SPE events of the specified nature as defined in the event structure.

It is no error to deregister interest in events that have not been registered before. Therefore, all events on a specific evhandler and spe can be always deregistered with a single function call using the SPE_EVENT_ALL_EVENTS mask.

This function requires that the SPE context spe in event has been created with event support, that is, the SPE_EVENTS_ENABLE flag has been set. Otherwise, it returns an error ENOTSUP.


On success, 0 (zero) is returned.


On error, -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.

Possible errors include:

ESRCH The specified SPE event handler is invalid.
EINVAL The specified pointer to an SPE event structure or the SPE context specified in the SPE event structure is invalid.
ENOTSUP At least one of the requested events specified in events is not supported or invalid or the SPE context does not support events.
EFAULT A runtime error of the underlying OS service occurred.


The spe_event_unit_t data structure and its usage are specified in spe_event_handler_register. A single call to this interface can deregister multiple events at the same time. The field spe in event is a pointer to an SPE context for which the events have to be deregistered. The field data will be ignored by this call.


spe_event_handler_register(3); spe_event_wait(3); spe_out_intr_mbox_read(3); spe_in_mbox_write(3); spe_mfcio_tag_status_read(3); spe_stop_info_read(3)