

spe_mfcio_put - Place a put DMA command on the proxy command queue of the SPE context.


#include <libspe2.h>

int spe_mfcio_put (spe_context_ptr_t spe, unsigned int lsa, void *ea, unsigned int size, unsigned int tag, unsigned int tid, unsigned int rid)

spe Specifies the SPE context of the proxy command queue in which the put command is to be placed.
lsa Specifies the starting local store source address.
ea Specifies the starting effective address destination address.
size Specifies the size, in bytes, to be transferred.
tag Specifies the tag ID used to identify the DMA command. The range for valid tag IDs is 0:31. Based on the needs of the underlying operating system implementations of this API can restrict the range.
Note: (Linux) In the Linux implementation of libspe2, the range for the valid tags is 0:15.

See Cell Broadband Engine Architecture, MFC Command Tag Register.

tid Specifies the transfer class identifier of the DMA command.
rid Specifies the replacement class identifier of the DMA command.


Places a put DMA command on the proxy command queue of the SPE context specified by spe

The spe_mfcio_put command transfers size bytes of data starting at the local store address specified by lsa to the effective address specified by ea. The DMA is identified by the tag ID specified by tag and performed according transfer class and replacement class specified by tid and rid respectively.

The caller of this function must ensure that the address alignment and transfer size is in accordance with the limitation and restrictions of the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture.


On success, 0 (zero) is returned.


On error, -1 is returned and errno are set to indicate the error.

Possible errors include:

ESRCH The specified SPE context is invalid.