
About this book

This document describes the SPE Runtime Management Library. This library constitutes the standardized low-level application programming interface for application access to the Cell Broadband Engine™ (Cell BE™) Synergistic Processing Elements (SPEs).

Who should read this book

The document is intended for system and application programmers who wish to develop Cell BE. applications that fully exploit the SPEs.


This document and the use of the library assumes and requires that you are familiar with the Cell BE. architecture as described in Cell Broadband Engine Architecture.

New in this release

This section describes significant changes made to the SPE Runtime Management Library specification for each version of this document.
Version number and date Changes
Version 2.0 November, 2006 New library version (previous version was 1.2)
Version 2.1 March, 2007 New functions:
  • spe_create_context_affinity
  • spe_cpu_info_get
  • spe_callback_handler_query
Version 2.2 September, 2007 New functions:
  • spe_mssync_start
  • spe_mssync_status

Other documentation

The following is a list of reference and supporting materials for the SPE Runtime Management Library specification:
  • Cell Broadband Engine Architectur
  • Cell Broadband Engine Programming Handbook
  • C/C++ Language Extensions for Cell Broadband Engine Architecture

For a full list of documentation, see Related documentation.