cellsdk script options

When called without options or parameters, the cellsdk script displays an option list. The following is an example:

Usage: cellsdk [OPTIONS] [--iso ISO_DIR] TASK
   ISO_DIR is the directory where cellsdk iso's have been downloaded.
      If not specified, network or cdrom install is assumed.
   TASK is one of install, update, uninstall, verify, mount, unmount, \

The main tasks are:
   install:      ./cellsdk [--gui] install     (starts pirut or yum)
   update:       ./cellsdk [--gui] update      (starts pup or yum)
   uninstall:    ./cellsdk [--gui] uninstall   (starts pirut or yum)
   verify:       ./cellsdk verify              (lists RPMs installed)
   mount:        ./cellsdk -iso ISO_DIR mount  (mounts cellsdk iso images)
   unmount:      ./cellsdk unmount             (unmounts cellsdk iso images)
   removeUpdate: ./cellsdk removeUpdate        (uninstalls a cellsdk update)

The cellsdk script uses the YUM-based tools according to the following options:
   no flags             starts yum using groupinstall
   -g, --gui            start up pirut (install, uninstall) or pup (update). 
                          The gui tools take no arguments, so --gui prohibits
                          using --runtime or --auto.
   -r, --runtime        only uses the YUM group Cell Runtime Environment
   -a, --auto           starts yum using the -y (yes to everything) flag
   -V, --version        display version of the SDK
   -q, --quiet          no messages
   -v, --verbose        verbose message
   -vv, --very-verbose  very verbose messages