Daemon configuration

This topic describes DaCS daemon configuration.

The host daemon service is named hdacsd and the accelerator daemon service is named adacsd. Both daemons are configured by editing the /etc/dacsd.conf file on the respective system.

Default versions of these files are installed by the daemon RPMs. These default files contain comments about the supported parameters and values. Back up your configuration files before making changes.

Changes will not take effect until the daemon is restarted. Start and stop the daemon using the service command in the/sbin directory. To stop the host daemon, type the following command as root:
# /sbin/service hdacsd stop
To start the host daemon, type:
# /sbin/service hdacsd start
To stop the accelerator daemon, type:
# /sbin/service adacsd stop
To start the accelerator daemon, type:
# /sbin/service adacsd start

See the service man page for more details about controlling daemons.