Hardware prerequisites

The SDK has specific hardware requirements. The following table shows the recommended minimum configuration for each hardware platform.

Table 1. Hardware prerequisites
System Recommended minimum configuration
X86 or X86_64 architecture 2 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 processor, or AMD Opteron "F" processor that supports the RDTSCP instruction.
PowerPC® 1.42 GHz 64-bit PPC. 32-bit PPC platforms are not supported.
BladeCenter QS20 Revision 31, hardware firmware level QA-06.14.0-0F (7.21). See Checking the firmware version
BladeCenter QS21 Hardware firmware level QB-01.08.0-00
All systems must have:
Note: If you use the Full System Simulator, the minimum amount of RAM installed must be twice the amount of simulated memory. For example, to simulate a system with 512 MB of RAM, the host system must have at least 1 GB of RAM installed.