Installing Fedora 7

To install Fedora 7, do the following:
  1. Either insert a new hard disk into the BladeCenter QS20, or overwrite an existing hard disk with an existing Linux®.
  2. Connect the BladeCenter QS20 to a serial console (115200,N,1,8, no handshake) and boot it to the firmware prompt.
  3. To start the installation, enter the following:
    > netboot vnc console=hvc0
  4. Select the language you would like to use for the installation.
    +----------+ Choose a Language +----------+
    |                                         |
    | What language would you like to use     |
    | during the installation process?        |
    |                                         |
    |       Catalan                      ^    |
    |       Chinese(Simplified)          :    |
    |       Chinese(Traditional)         :    |
    |       Croatian                     :    |
    |       Czech                        :    |
    |       Danish                       :    |
    |       Dutch                        :    |
    |    >  English                      :    |
    |                                    v    |
    |                  +----+                 |
    |                  | OK |                 |
    |                  +----+                 |
    |                                         |
    |                                         |
  5. Select the media type that contains the installation packages.
    +------+ Installation Method +------+
    |                                   |
    | What type of media contains the   |
    | packages to be installed?         |
    |                                   |
    |            Local CDROM            |
    |            Hard drive             |
    |            NFS directory          |
    |          > FTP                    |
    |            HTTP                   |
    |                                   |
    |     +----+          +------+      |
    |     | OK |          | Back |      |
    |     +----+          +------+      |
    |                                   |
    |                                   |
  6. Select the network device. Unless you have a second switch installed in your BladeCenter QS20 chassis, you select eth0.
    +---------------- Networking Device -----------------+
    |                                                    |
    | You have multiple network devices on this system.  |
    | Which would you like to install through?           |
    |                                                    |
    |  > eth0 - Unknown device 01b3                      |
    |    eth1 - Unknown device 01b3                      |
    |                                                    |
    |         +----+               +------+              |
    |         | OK |               | Back |              |
    |         +----+               +------+              |
    |                                                    |
    |                                                    |
  7. Select how you wish to configure the network device. Because you have booted from DHCP, it is easiest to leave it set to DHCP. To do this, make sure that Dynamic IP configuration (DHCP) is selected. Fedora 7 determines the host name and domain from the dhcp/bootp server.
    +----------------+ Configure TCP/IP +-----------------+
    |                                                     |
    | [*] Enable IPv4 support                             |
    |        (*) Dynamic IP configuration (DHCP)          |
    |        ( ) Manual configuration                     |
    | [ ] Enable IPv6 support                             |
    |        (*) Automatic neighbor discovery             |
    |        ( ) Dynamic IP configuration (DHCPv6)        |
    |        ( ) Manual configuration                     |
    |                                                     |
    |        +----+               +------+                |
    |        | OK |               | Back |                |
    |        +----+               +------+                |
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
  8. Enter the network site name and the path where you installed your media during the server setup:
    +----------------------+ FTP Setup +------------------------+
    |                                                           |
    | Please enter the following information:                   |
    |                                                           |
    |     o the name or IP number of your FTP server            |
    |     o the directory on that server containing             |
    |       Fedora Core for your architecture                   |
    |                                                           |
    |   FTP site name:                             |
    |                                                           |
    |   Fedora core directory: /install/fedora/core7/ppc        |
    |                                                           |
    |  [ ] Use non-anonymous ftp                                |
    |                                                           |
    |         +----+                      +------+              |
    |         | OK |                      | Back |              |
    |         +----+                      +------+              |
    |                                                           |
    |                                                           |
  9. The following welcome screen is displayed. Press the OK button to continue with the installation.
    +------------------+ Fedora +-------------------+
    |                                               |
    | Welcome to Fedora!                            |
    |                                               |
    |                                               |
    |                    +----+                     |
    |                    | OK |                     |
    |                    +----+                     |
    |                                               |
    |                                               |
  10. The installer displays a status screen similar to the following:
    | Running anaconda, the Fedora Core system installer - please wait... |
    | Framebuffer ioctl failed. Exiting.                                  |
    | Probing for video card:   Unable to probe                           |
    | Probing for monitor type:   Unknown monitor                         |
    | Probing for mouse type:   No – mouse                                |
    | No video hardware found, assuming headless                          |
    | Starting VNC...                                                     |
    |                                                                     |
    | WARNING!!! VNC server running with NO PASSWORD!                     |
    | You can use the vncpassword=<password> boot option                  |
    | if you would like to secure the server.                             |
    |                                                                     |
    | The VNC server is now running.                                      |
    | Please connect to to begin the install...              |
    |                                                                     |
    | Press <enter> for a shell                                           |
    | Starting graphical installation...                                  |
  11. Start a VNC session on another computer in the network. At the command prompt of that computer enter vncviewer <target IP>:<vnc session id>, where <vnc session id> is the address of the BladeCenter QS20 being installed, for example, Continue the installation process from the computer running the vncviewer session, not the BladeCenter QS20 where the installation process is actually taking place.