Configuring the Eclipse IDE

This topic describes how to finish the installation of the Eclipse IDE.

If you have installed the optional Eclipse IDE component, you should finish the installation by following these steps:

  1. Install Java™ 1.4 from IBM® ( or Sun (
    1. The default Java VM (GCJ) that comes installed with Fedora 7 is not sufficient.
    2. If you have a PPC64 system, you must install and use a 32bit Java runtime environment, because Eclipse for PPC is compiled for the 32-bit architecture.
    3. Update JAVA_HOME and PATH. For example:
    4. To change your PATH variable, edit the file .bash_profile located in your home directory, for example: /home/user/.bash_profile.
  2. Install Eclipse version 3.2.x. Eclipse can be downloaded from Since version 3.2 is not the latest version, download this version by following the menu prompts: DOWNLOADS (on top) -> By Project (left) -> Eclipse Platform (center) .
  3. Install the CDT version 3.1 plug-ins. CDT is the Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools project. It is a C/C++ IDE that also serves as a platform for others to provide tools for C/C++ developers. You can download CDT from
  4. Install the SDK Eclipse IDE for plug-ins using the update manager:
    1. In Eclipse, click HelpSoftware UpdatesFind and Install...
    2. Click Search for new features to install, click Next.
    3. Click New Local Site...
    4. Go to /opt/cell/ide.
    5. Select, and click OK.
    6. Click Finish and follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Install the ALF for Cell BE IDE template package by typing the following command:
    # yum install alf-ide-template
  6. Restart your system to make sure all settings take effect.
For more information about the IDE, see the Eclipse IDE help topic. To access the IDE help, in Eclipse click: HelpHelp ContentsIDE for Cell Broadband Engine™ SDK.