This topic describes how to download the SDK files needed for installation. You can skip this step if you have physical media for the SDK such as a CD.
YUM automatically downloads most of these RPMs so it is not necessary for you to manually download them.
The developerWorks® Web site and the Passport Advantage® Web site provide the IBM-licensed code and its documentation as ISO images. Passport Advantage is an IBM® Web site that gives you information about software maintenance, product upgrades and technical support under a single, common set of agreements, processes and tools.
# mkdir -p /tmp/cellsdkiso # cd /tmp/cellsdkiso
The Product package contains all the mature technologies in SDK 3.0 plus access to IBM Support and is intended for production purposes. | CellSDK-Product-RHEL_3. | |
The Developer package is intended for evaluation of the SDK in a non-production environment and contains all the mature technologies in SDK 3.0 | CellSDK-Devel-RHEL_3. | |
The Extras package contains the "latest and greatest" technologies in the SDK These packages tend to be less mature or are technology preview code that may or may not become part of the generally available product in the future. | CellSDK-Extra-RHEL_3. | |
Product set | ISO name | Location |
The Developer package is intended for evaluation of the SDK in a non-production environment and contains all the mature technologies in SDK 3.0 | CellSDK-Devel-Fedora_3. | |
The Extras package contains the "latest and greatest" technologies in the SDK These packages tend to be less mature or are technology preview code that may or may not become part of the generally available product in the future. | CellSDK-Extra-Fedora_3. | |
You can verify the integrity of the files using the md5sum command. Checksums are provided on the download Web page.