YUM groups

YUM provides the ability to group RPMs together to facilitate installing a number of RPMs simultaneously and for categorization in the Pirut GUI.

The following groups are defined in the YUM metadata files located in /opt/cell/yum-repos:

The Cell Runtime Environment group contains the RPMs that are only needed for runtime execution of Cell Broadband Engine Architecture applications. It does not contain any development libraries, tools or example code. When you use the --runtime option of the cellsdk script, only the Cell Runtime Environment group is included in the install, update or uninstall.

You can use the following YUM group commands to find out which RPMs are in a group and which groups are already installed:

You can display the contents of these groups using Pirut, or by running the cellsdk script with the --gui option.

The following table lists each component and the YUM group that contains its RPMs. In general, components are typically defined in only one group. One exception is that if a Cell Development Library has a runtime RPM, then that RPM is in the Cell Runtime Environment group. Also if a Cell Development Library includes example code then that example code RPM is in the Cell Programming Examples group.
Table 1. YUM groups for each SDK component
Component YUM group
ALF for Cell BE Cell Development Libraries
ALF for Hybrid-x86 Cell Development Libraries
BLAS Cell Development Libraries
Cell Performance Counter Cell Performance Tools
Crash SPU Commands Cell Runtime Environment
DaCS for Cell BE Cell Development Libraries
DaCS for Hybrid-x86 Cell Development Libraries
Documentation Cell Development Libraries
Examples Cell Programming Examples
FDPR-Pro Cell Performance Tools
GCC Toolchain Cell Development Tools
Hybrid Performance Tools Cell Performance Tools
IDE Cell Development Tools
Kernel Cell Runtime Environment
LIBFFT Cell Development Libraries
LIBSPE/LIBSPE2 Cell Development Libraries
MASS Library Cell Development Libraries
netpbm Cell Development Libraries
numactl Cell Development Libraries
OProfile Cell Performance Tools
PDT Cell Performance Tools
PDTR Cell Performance Tools
Random Number Library Cell Development Libraries
SIMDMath Cell Development Libraries
Simulator Cell Simulator
SPU-Isolation Cell Development Libraries
SPU-Timer Cell Development Libraries
SPU-Timing Tool Cell Performance Tools
Sysroot Image Cell Simulator
XL C/C++ Cell Development Tools
After installing the SDK you might want to install, update or uninstall components or individual RPMs in the SDK. You can install an RPM such as alf-hybrid-devel by typing the following command:
# yum install alf-hybrid-devel

YUM uses its repository information to ensure that you can only install the correct RPM on each platform. Some RPMs are only available with a target platform of X86_64 because they are needed for building X86_64 code using a host-based compiler such as GCC. The SDK contains several hybrid programming model libraries and performance tools.