Updating the SDK

The SDK can be updated with a new version using the cellsdk script update option.

The most likely reason to update the SDK is to apply an IBM® Fix Pack or interim fix to the SDK. All fixes are cumulative. Fixes to the SDK, if available, are only for RHEL 5.1 product installations and are supplied on an ISO image with the name CellSDK-Updates-RHEL. Note that the version numbering for both the ISO image and the cell-install RPM uses the following 5 digit numbering scheme:
For example is fix pack #2 for SDK version 3.0.0.

Download the new cell-install RPM and the CellSDK-Updates-RHEL ISO image from Passport Advantage® and save them to a directory on your machine. You can either manually install the new cell-install rpm, or it will be done for you as part of the update process.

Update the SDK by typing the following command as root:
# /opt/cell/cellsdk --iso /tmp/cellsdkiso update
In this example, the /tmp/cellsdkiso directory contains the downloaded update ISO image and the new cell-install RPM.

You must accept the SDK licenses each time you apply an update.

Only installed RPMs are updated during the update process. For example, if there is an update for the cellide RPM but you do not have cellide installed, the update process will skip cellide and not install it. If you want to install it later, mount the update ISO by typing the following command:
# cellsdk --iso /tmp/cellsdkiso mount
/tmp/cellsdkiso is the directory where the update ISO image is mounted.

At the end of the update process, the cellsdk script will prompt you to save the initial RPMs in case you later want to remove the updates and restore the original versions. If you answer yes, the cellsdk script will attempt to find the RPMs in the original install on an ISO image or through the network, and store them in the /opt/cell/updates directory. If you say no, and later you decide to remove the update, you must mount the original install ISO so that the cellsdk script can locate the replacement RPMs.

After applying a Fix Pack or interim fix, it can be backed out. See The SDK backout procedure.