Software prerequisites

The SDK requires Fedora 7 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.1, which must be installed before you install the SDK. See Operating system installation for information about how to install Linux®.

To install the SDK, see Installing, uninstalling, and updating the SDK.


The SELinux policy files that are included in the Fedora 7 base distribution prevent spufs from loading correctly on boot. To install the SDK, you must either turn off SELinux or update the selinux-policy and selinux-policy-targeted RPMs to the latest version. The preferred method is to update the RPMs. To update, type the following commands as root:
# yum update selinux-policy selinux-policy-targeted 

SDK utility software dependencies

The SDK requires the packages rsync, sed, TCL, and wget.

To install these dependencies, type the following command as root:
# yum install rsync sed tcl wget

expat for Hybrid-x86

The DaCS for Hybrid-x86 daemon for the X86_64 platform requires the expat XML parsing library. Install expat by typing the following command as root:
# yum install expat