Setting up a YUM server for the SDK

This topic is for advanced users who want to set up a local YUM server. A YUM server allows multiple users to access the SDK files without having to download them from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center Web site or use the ISO images. A YUM server is useful if your company has a firewall that prevents direct access to the Internet.

Follow these steps to set up a local YUM server.
  1. Install an HTTP server and preferably enable FTP access to a directory for downloading the RPMs.
  2. Create a directory for the SDK files on the server. For example,
    [root@myserver]# mkdir /var/www/sdk30
    [root@myserver]# cd /var/www/sdk30
    Create the sdk30 directory below the directory (in this example /var/www/) that your web server uses to serve files. In the following instructions, it is assumed that the directory created by the previous step is sdk30. Substitute the actual directory name created by the preceding command in subsequent examples.
  3. Copy all the files from the source material, for example the ISO images and the BSC Web site, to the sdk30 directory.
  4. Create updated SDK YUM repo files which you have edited to point to the internal server by setting the baseurl paths. For example, the /etc/yum.repos.d/cellsdk-Fedora.repo file might contain the following:
    baseurl= \
    baseurl= \
    Note: Different protocols can be used to retrieve the files from the server including FTP, HTTP or a local file directory on your own system.
  5. Decide how to distribute these new repo files to your users. A simple option is to instruct them to install the cell-install RPM and then overwrite the repo files in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory with the new versions.
You can keep a local copy of the RPMs on your system and use the localinstall or localupdate YUM options. The advantage of this approach is that YUM manages the dependencies and uses the configured repositories to resolve dependencies. The following is an example using the localinstall option:
# yum localinstall /tmp/sdk30/spu-gcc-fortran-4.1.1-*.i686.rpm