Moving double-buffered data

SPE programs use DMA transfers to move data and instructions between main storage and the local store (LS) in the SPE.

Consider an SPE program that requires large amounts of data from main storage. The following is a simple scheme to achieve that data transfer:
  1. Start a DMA data transfer from main storage to buffer B in the LS.
  2. Wait for the transfer to complete.
  3. Use the data in buffer B.
  4. Repeat.

This method wastes a great deal of time waiting for DMA transfers to complete. We can speed up the process significantly by allocating two buffers, B0 and B1 , and overlapping computation on one buffer with data transfer in the other. This technique is called double buffering. Figure 1 shows a flow diagram for this double buffering scheme.

Double buffering is a form of multibuffering, which is the method of using multiple buffers in a circular queue to overlap processing and data transfer.

Figure 1. DMA transfers using a double-buffering methodDMA transfers using a double-buffering method
The following C-language example illustrates double buffering:
/* Example C code demonstrating double buffering using 
 * buffers B[0] and B[1]. In this example, an array of data 
 * starting at the effective address eahi|ealow is DMAed 
 * into the SPU's local store in 4-KB chunks and processed 
 * by the use_data subroutine.
#include <spu_intrinsics.h>
#include "spu_mfcio.h"

#define BUFFER_SIZE	 4096

volatile unsigned char B[2][BUFFER_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned(128)));

void double_buffer_example(unsigned int eahi, unsigned int ealow, int buffers)
  int next_idx, buf_idx = 0;

  // Initiate DMA transfer
  spu_mfcdma64(B[buf_idx], eahi, ealow, BUFFER_SIZE, buf_idx, MFC_GET_CMD);
  ealow += BUFFER_SIZE;

  while (--buffers) {
    next_idx = buf_idx ^ 1;

    // Initiate next DMA transfer
    spu_mfcdma64(B[next_idx], eahi, ealow, BUFFER_SIZE, next_idx, MFC_GET_CMD);
    ealow += BUFFER_SIZE;

    // Wait for previous transfer to complete
    spu_writech(MFC_WrTagMask, 1 << buf_idx);

    // Use the data from the previous transfer

    buf_idx = next_idx;

  // Wait for last transfer to complete
  spu_writech(MFC_WrTagMask, 1 << buf_idx);

  // Use the data from the last transfer
Note: The above example is hardcoded to use tag ids 0 and 1. Applications are encouraged to use the tag manager functions to reserve tag ids for cooperative allocations of tags between independent software components.

To use double buffering effectively, follow these rules for DMA transfers on the SPE:

The purpose of double buffering is to maximize the time spent in the compute phase of a program and minimize the time spent waiting for DMA transfers to complete. Let τt represent the time required to transfer a buffer B, and let τc represent the time required to compute on data contained in that buffer. In general, the higher the ratio τtc, the more performance benefit an application will realize from a double-buffering scheme.