Pseudo Language Framework with PTX support

While it may be desirable to utilize several open source compiler tools to manage PTX module generation, the current state of these tools and LLVM add-ons are not such that they can be integrated in a project with a short development cycle. Instead the tools included with the CUDA SDK have been utilized to generate the PTX modules via output from the compiler front end. The compiler front end has been separated into two parts: the first pass generates the host code, and the second generates a .cu module. This .cu source is then used to generate a .ptx module. The figure below demonstrates the process of code generation and shows which tools are referenced.

This design minimizes the number modules generated for each pseudo language program and also limits the tool requirements to a manageable set. One limitation which should be noted in the current version is that the number of PTX modules (and therefore the number of parallel loops) for each program is limited to one. This limitation is easily resolved by numbering the parallel loops and then generating the corresponding PTX modules; however, not having this functionality does not prevent the validation of these concepts.

At run time, a pre-compiled native library is accessed by the host byte code whenever a parallel for loop is encountered. This native library then loads the ptx module dynamically and invokes the device function. A key feature of this design is that the native method can be implemented with a completely generic interface and thus not recompiled for each pseudo language program. The parameters for this interface include the data, the iteration boundaries and the PTX module name. The figure below shows the run time framework used by the pseudo language programs.

In this design, the native library (indicated by “x86 Shared Library”) and the CUDA Host module are both pre-compiled and not modified with each pseudo language programs. The only property contained within these modules is the thread block size. The number of blocks is then a function of the thread block size and the number of iterations in the loop (Max/Thread Blocks). Prior to module invocation, the data for each pseudo language program is copied to a 2D Java array which is then copied again to a linear C array. This C array contains the host memory which is then copied to the GPU device prior to launching the device function. The PTX module references these data values using offsets based on the specified size of each array within the pseudo language program. The frontend compiler has been modified to take the maximum array size as a parameter which is used for both copying data as well as specifying the data offsets in the PTX module. After the device function is complete, the data is then copied back in reverse order to the original pseudo language variables

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