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1. Task Division
Vivek Deshpnade
Kishor Kharbas
Phase 1
· Studying and understanding LLVM IR, tools
· Abstract syntax tree generation and evaluation.
· Action associated with “for loop” of parser
· Study of dependence analysis and vectorization theory
Phase 1
· Studying and understanding LLVM IR, tools
· Implementing actions associated with rules in parser(except for loop)
· Study of dependence analysis and vectorization theory
Phase 2
· Implementation of Dependency analysis and graph
· Abstract Syntax Tree and grammar for vector construct in Pseudo compiler.
· Implementation of Actions and for Array access in
pseudo compiler
· Performance Analysis and Testing
Phase 2
· Implementation of basic compiler for loop scanning and data structure creation.
· Implementation of Vectorization Algorithm,along with graph analysis and graph operations such as finding SCC and topological sorting.
· Implementation of productions, grammar for vector constructs in pseudo compiler
· Testing and Performance Analysis

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