

Frank Mueller
mueller "at"
Office Hours: M 9:30-10:30 3266 EB2
Abhik Sarkar

asarkar "at"
Office Hours: TBA TBA


Course prerequisites: CSC 451 or CSC 501 (Operating Systems). Helpful: CSC 253 (C and C++ for Java Programmers), CSC 224 (Applied Discrete Mathematics), CSC 234 (Computer Organization & Assembly Language), and MA 121 (Calculus), CSC 512 (Compiler Construction), CSC 548 (Parallel Systems).

Course purpose: This class prepares you to understand advanced research issues in code optimization for scalar and parallel programs. You will be introduced to program analysis, scalar and parallel compilation as well as various advanced topics. The material will cover numerous research papers besides the textbook. Current research will be presented by students and discussed to give a better understanding of open issues in parallel systems.

Course objectives: By the end of the course, you should be able to do the following things: