Collaborative Research: PPoSS: Planning: Cross-layer Coordination and
Optimization for Scalable and Sparse Tensor Networks (CROSS)
Collaborative Research: PPoSS: Planning: Cross-layer Coordination and
Optimization for Scalable and Sparse Tensor Networks (CROSS)
- funded by: NSF
- funding level: $62,500
- duration: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023 (no-cost extension to 09/30/2024)
This work aims to study sparsity in widely-used tensor networks by
introducing constraints, regularization, dictionary, and/or domain
knowledge for better data compression, faster computation, lower
memory storage, along with better interpretability by: 1) Proposing
memory hierarchy and microarchitecture-aware representations and
effective yet efficient data (re-)arranging; 2) Designing memory
hierarchy-aware and balanced algorithm with smart page arrangement; 3)
Erasing the curse of dimensionality through memoization and
intelligent data allocation; 4) Exploring specialized architecture on
GPU and FPGA. We will accelerate six application scenarios by
leveraging the scalable and highly optimized sparse tensor network on
distributed heterogeneous systems.
DiaQ: Efficient State-Vector Quantum Simulation by
Srikar Chundury, Jiajia Li, In-Saeng Suh and
Frank Mueller in ArXiv, May 2024.
- DISQ: Dynamic Iteration Skipping for Variational Quantum Algorithms by
Junyao Zhang, Hanrui Wang, Gokul Subramanian Ravi, Fred Chong, Song Han, Frank Mueller, Yiran Chen in
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Oct
- QisDAX: An Open Source Bridge from Qiskit to Ion Trap Quantum Devices by
Kaustubh Badrike, Aniket S. Dalvi, Filip Mazurek, Marissa D'Onofrio, Jacob Whitlow, Tianyi Chen, Samuel Phiri, Leon Riesebos, Kenneth R. Brown, Frank Mueller in
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Oct
2023. Software artifact QisDAX
Combining Hard and Soft Constraints in Quantum Constraint-Satisfaction Systems
by Ellis Wilson, Frank Mueller, Scott Pakin
in Supercomputing (SC), Nov 2022, pages (accepted). Software artifact
github and NchooseK main repo
A PEPS plugin for TNQVM by
Srikar Chundury, J. Lietz, E. A. C. Perez,
A. Shehata, In-Saeng Suh and Frank Mueller in
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Sep 2023.
A Novel Approach to Sparsity in Quantum Simulations by
Srikar Chundury, In-Saeng Suh and Frank Mueller in
Quantum Simulation Conference (QSim), Aug 2023.
Building a Constraint Based Domain Specific Language for Quantum Computers: NchooseK by
Ellis Wilson, Frank Mueller and Scott Pakin in
Quantum Simulation Conference (QSim), Aug 2023.
Synthesis of Approximate Parametric Circuits for Variational Quantum Algorithms by
Blake Burgstahler, Frank Mueller and
Scott Pakin in
Quantum Simulation Conference (QSim), Aug 2023; later version
in IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Sep 2023.
A Novel Approach to Sparsity in Quantum Simulations by
Srikar Chundury, In-Saeng Suh and Frank Mueller in
Quantum Simulation Conference (QSim), Aug 2023.
Modular Embedding of Problems onto Quantum Annealers by
Ellis Wilson, Frank Mueller and Scott Pakin in
Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC), Jun 2023.
"This material is based upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation under the grant number indicated by the NSF URL above."
"Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."