A simple introduction to CVS

$Date: 2003/01/22 12:30:32 $

  1. Introduction
    1. Worthwhile material
    2. Concepts
      1. Committer
      2. CVS module
      3. Module owner
      4. CVS administrator
      5. Repository
      6. Working directory
      7. Branches
  2. Client configuration
    1. Remote access to the repository
    2. cvs - a UNIX commandline client
      1. Setting up OpenSSH for use with cvs
      2. Load your key into ssh-agent
      3. Setting up cvs 1.11.5
    3. Other UNIX clients
    4. WinCVS - a Windows GUI client
      1. Setting up PuTTY for use with WinCVS
      2. Setting up WinCVS 1.2
      3. Setting up WinCVS 1.3
      4. Load your key into Pageant
    5. TortoiseCVS - a better Windows GUI client
      1. Setting up PuTTY for use with TortoiseCVS
      2. Settings up TortoiseCVS 0.54
      3. Load your key into Pageant
  3. Change management policies
    1. Commit policy
    2. Import policy
    3. Merge policy
    4. Approval & notification
    5. Revert policy
  4. Server configuration
    1. Initial setup
    2. Remote access to the repository
    3. Access control inside the repository
    4. Commit notification via email
  5. Appendix
    1. Notes on CVS and NFS
    2. Suggestion for one developer, multiple machines


CVS is the Concurrent Versions System. CVS is a software configuration management (SCM) tool. It allows developers to collaborate on projects transparently across networks and client platforms. It works best on plain text files, but can also handle binary files. Some functionality will be lost on binary files as CVS can not perform the same operations on these files.

Replacements for CVS are being developed at the time of writing (November 2002). Subversion is one. Another one is OpenCM. At the time of writing, none have released production code, but you may wish to evaluate those tools as well. Personally, I am putting my money on OpenCM.

Worthwhile material

This document is a beginners guide to CVS. Having an SCM tool like CVS is the first basic step to software quality, and it also eases the management of most other types of data. Frankly, a CVS server is really easy to setup, and if you have even minimal brain capacity, you should be able to get everything running in 10 minutes.

If you want more information on more advanced topics, we recommend the following resources:

Brad Appleton has compiled a list of "best practices" and "lessons learned" when it comes to software configuration management. The result of his efforts are online as the ACME project. Vivek Venugopalan has a best practices document that is specific to CVS, and he also has some SCM tips for open source projects.



Only one type of user exists in the CVS world: committer. However, three roles exists in my CVS world: committer, module owner and admin.

A committer is simply a user who has access to commit changes to files that are under CVS control. Committers almost never need system level access to the CVS machine.

CVS module

A module is any number of source files that form a meaningful package. This may be a library of C functions, a single perl file, a subdirectory in a web server, etc. and submodules may exist within top-level modules.

Module owner

A module owner is a committer who has been assigned to monitor or co-ordinate a file or a number of files under CVS control. Module owners would be responsible for solving bug reports, enhancement and change requests, patch submissions, and so on. A module owner would also be responsible for fixing your tree breakages if you are not around to fix them. Module owners rarely need system level access to the CVS server..

CVS administrator

The CVS administrator (aka "repository admin", "repo master" and combinations thereof) is a committer who has commit access to the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT directory; Administrator access within the repository is controlled by putting the user in the UNIX group that has write access to the CVSROOT in questions. An admins will have command line access to the CVS machine.


We use the word 'repository' about the storage area on the CVS server. We use the word "commit" to describe the act of a developer registering their modifications with the repository.

The repository is defined to the client by the $CVSROOT variable. In each repository, there is a CVSROOT directory that holds configuration files for that repository. It is unfortunate that $CVSROOT and CVSROOT share name. To avoid confusion, we will refer to $CVSROOT as 'the repository location' and to CVSROOT as 'CVSROOT'.

Working directory

Each committer has their own 'working directory' or 'sandbox directory' in his or her local environment. This is where changes can be made and tested without effecting what is stored in the repository. This disconnected and concurrent design is at the heart of CVS.


CVS supports branches which eases parallel development, e.g. a stable tree, and a development tree. Full revision control is maintained, and it is possible to revert changes back to any point in the development history.

CVS uses standard UNIX file permissions on the server to control who is allowed to commit changes to files hosted in the repository. This is transparent to the CVS client used by the developer. It will only know if the commit was accepted or rejected.

Client configuration

Remote access to the repository

A number of CVS clients exist. Most free UNIX variants come with the latest commandline version of CVS pre-installed. Those of you who prefer a console-based editor and commandline tools will probably want this version. It is available from the CVS web site.

The Windows, Mac and X users will enjoy the GUI clients made available through the CVS GUI project.

Configuration instructions for CVS clients are available in following sections.

Use of pserver or rsh for CVS traffic is forbidden. The only current authorized method of remote CVS access is via SSH, using RSA keys with a strong passphrase.

Regardless of your platform, you must use forward slashes (/) as a directory delimiter.

cvs - a UNIX commandline client

Setting up OpenSSH for use with cvs

Your OpenSSH takes configuration instructions from ~/.ssh/config. In this file you might specify the full hostname and account details on the repository server.

Host cvs
Hostname cvs.example.com
User holsta
IdentityFile ~/path/to/file

You can also specify other keywords such as Protocol or ForwardAgent if the need arises. See the ssh man page for full details.

Make sure you can authenticate against the repository server. Your ssh client will ask you to confirm acceptance of the remote public key, and then prompt for your passphrase before your connection is allowed to complete. Note that in cases where your account has been restricted to only access the cvs server software, you will end up at a prompt that seems "dead." -- simply make sure you do not get a "Permission denied" message.

Load your key into ssh-agent

Loading your key into ssh-agent will save you a great deal of typing. Be weary that this stores your private key as plain text in memory, and so anyone with access to your workstation can impersonate you on systems where you have legal access. Make sure you lock the display of your workstation if you need to leave it unattended.

Setting up cvs 1.11.5

To use the commandline client, install it somewhere in your path. If you are not on a UNIX platform, you will need to define the HOME variable to somewhere meaningful. This needs to be done for every session, and it varies depending on your platform. We will assume you know how to define environment variables, and insert them into the startup files of your OS.

Now, tell CVS to use SSH to connect to the repository. You want this done for every shell, so put it in your startup file, e.g. .profile.

$ export CVS_RSH=ssh

And tell CVS where your repository is.

$ export CVSROOT=user@cvs.example.com:/path/to/repository

Replace user and repository with the real values. The repository location can also be specified at the commandline using the -d switch. It is not a requirement that $CVSROOT is defined, as CVS largely ignores this variable. Once you have created your working directory, CVS will use the information about the repository that is stored in your working directory:

$ mkdir work
$ cd work
$ cvs -d user@cvs.example.com:/path/to/repository co foo
[..creates foo/ among others..]
$ cd foo
$ cvs status main.c
$ cvs log main.c

As you can see, there is no need to supply the location of the repository as long as you are issuing commands within a working directory that holds this information in the CVS/ directories.

Other UNIX clients

gCVS is an X based CVS client I have not used.

WinCVS - a Windows GUI client

Setting up WinCVS can be a bit tricky the first time, but if you read the following carefully, and do exactly what is described, you should have no problems.

As mentioned above, repository access is granted via SSH using RSA keys only, which means you need to install a suitable ssh client on your system. You have two options at this point. If you prefer not editing text files as means of configuration, you will probably prefer PuTTY. If you come from a UNIX background, you may prefer OpenSSH/Cygwin.

Setting up PuTTY for use with WinCVS

PuTTY is available from the authors homepage. From the following URI, download PuTTY itself (putty.exe), PuTTY's Authentication Agent (pageant.exe), PuTTY's Secure Copy (pscp.exe), PuTTY's command-line link (plink.exe) and PuTTY's RSA keyfile generator (puttygen.exe):

When you have them all, put them in a directory, say, C:\Program Files\PuTTY\. The following are install and setup instructions you will only need to do once:

  1. Start puttygen.exe and follow the prompts on screen. This will generate the RSA keypair for you. These files are extremely important, so make sure you pick a good passphrase of minimum 15 characters.
  2. Save the keys in the same directory as the PuTTY files.
  3. Ensure that Pageant (pageant.exe) is started every time you login or boot your machine by dragging it to the Startup folder.
  4. If you do not want to reboot now, double-click to start Pageant. The System Tray will now contain the Pageant icon (a PC monitor with a hat on top. Pretty, is it not?)

Pageant should now run every time you boot. We will need to configure the SSH session you will be using with the CVS server. Start PuTTY and you will see the configuration window appear. You will have to navigate to some of the categories on the right, but we will start in the Session category:

  1. In the 'Host Name' input box, type 'cvs.example.com'.
  2. The protocol must be set to SSH.
  3. In the 'Saved Sessions' input box, we recommend you type 'cvs.example.com'. This symbolic name must be the same as the CVS server name you specify in WinCVS.
  4. In category 'Connection', put the username you were assigned in 'Auto-login username'.
  5. In category 'Connection -> SSH' ensure there is no checkmark in 'Allow agent forwarding'.
  6. The 'Preferred SSH protocol version' should be set to 1.
  7. The 'Preferred encryption algorithm' should be set to 'Blowfish'.
  8. Navigate back to the 'Session' category and click 'Save'.
  9. The name you picked for this saved session will now appear in the host list, under Default Settings.
  10. Exit PuTTY by clicking 'Cancel', and then start PuTTY again. Your saved session should still be listed under Default Settings otherwise repeat these steps carefully. Exit PuTTY again.
  11. Double-click on your saved session. A PuTTY terminal window should appear, and PuTTY will prompt you to accept the remote host RSA key. Click 'Yes'. If the session does not close by itself, click on the X in the right top hand corner to disconnect.

If this seems overwhelming find comfort in that this only needs to be done once. Stay with me now!

Setting up WinCVS 1.2

The first time you start WinCVS it will prompt you for the CVS repository details. If you already started WinCVS once before and this window does not appear, go to the 'Admin' menu and select 'Preferences'.

Follow these instructions for setting up WinCVS 1.2:

  1. Enter CVSROOT in the form: user@cvs.example.com:/path/to/repository, e.g. 'holsta@cvs.example.com:/path/to/repository'. The repository will be either '/force' or '/wibble'. A session of the name 'cvs.example.com' must be saved in PuTTY.
  2. Set 'Authentication' to SSH Server.
  3. In the 'Globals' tab, remove the checkmark from 'Checkout read-only'.
  4. In the 'Globals' tab, put a checkmark in 'Checkout text files with the UNIX LF'. Failure to do this will give rise to the wrath of the CVS gods.

Setting up WinCVS 1.3

The first time you start WinCVS it will prompt you for the CVS repository details. If you already started WinCVS once before and this window does not appear, go to the 'Admin' menu and select 'Preferences'.

Follow these instructions for setting up WinCVS 1.3:

  1. Set 'Authentication' to ssh.
  2. Click 'Settings' and and click "SSH is not in the PATH". Put the path to the location of plink.exe in the file input box that becomes available.
  3. Click OK to return to the main preferences.
  4. In 'Path' type the path to the repository you will be working in.
  5. Note: the contents of CVSROOT will be updated as you complete the other fields. CVSROOT is a dropdown box which lets you switch between multiple repositories, should you ever need it.
  6. In 'Host address' type 'cvs.example.com'. A session of this name must be saved in PuTTY.
  7. In 'User name' type the user name you were assigned for CVS access.
  8. Go to the 'Globals' tab and remove the checkmark in 'Checkout read-only'.
  9. In the 'Globals' tab, put a checkmark in 'Checkout text files with the UNIX LF'. Failure to do this will give rise to the wrath of the CVS gods.
  10. On the 'WinCvs' tab, review the options and set to your preference.
  11. On the 'Command Dialogs' review the options and set to your preference.

Load your key into Pageant

Now that Pageant, PuTTY and WinCVS have been configured, these are the only two steps you need to do to work with files placed under CVS:

  1. Double-click or right click on the Pageant icon (PC monitor with pretty hat) in the System Tray and select "Add key".
  2. When the file browser appears, point it to where you saved your private key and load it into Pageant. It will ask for your passphrase.

These two simple steps will enable you to effortlessly connect to system that contain your public key while maintaining a very high level of security. Always lock your system with a screen server when you leave it unattended. If anyone else needs to work at your system while you are not around, remove all keys from the authentication agent.


TortoiseCVS is different (better) than WinCVS because thought actually went into the design of the user interface. Even a seasoned CVS user has to roam the menus of WinCVS to find the item required to perform the desired action.

The screenshot on the TortoiseCVS website really says it all. Download the latest stable copy now and install it on your computer.

Setting up PuTTY for use with TortoiseCVS

TortoiseCVS comes with a customized version of PuTTY's plink.exe. I have no idea why. The real version that comes with PuTTY works for me.

  1. Rightclick in an explorer window and you should see a few menu items related to CVS. If you do not, TortoiseCVS was not installed correctly.
  2. Click CVS -> Preferences
  3. Select the SSH tab and browse for plink.exe.
  4. Click OK.

Setting up TortoiseCVS 0.54

Create a working directory somewhere on your client. I tend to use a directory called working-copy but the name does not matter.

  1. Doubleclick on the new folder.
  2. Right-click, select CVS Checkout.
  3. In the Checkout Module window select the SSH protocol.
  4. Enter the hostname of your repository host.
  5. Enter the directory where your repository is stored.
  6. Enter your username.
  7. Enter the name of the desired module or '.' or all modules.
  8. Click OK.

TortoiseCVS will now connect to your repository, possibly asking for authentication information, and then begin the checkout.

If you want to avoid the authentication prompt, load your key into Pageant.

Change Management Policies

Commit Policy

Committing files should be done with care. It is quite possible to roll back to a previous version with CVS, but such a feature should only be used to locate changes or track bugs in a particular version of a file. It should not give the committer an excuse to be lazy.

If an owner has been identified for the module you are committing to, you must ensure your changes has his or her approval before proceeding with the commit. This is best done by sending the output of cvs diff -u -p between the current version and your changes, via email to the module owner.

If a module owner is familiar with the quality of your work, he or she may simply ask for an email describing the changes you wish to make. If the module owner has never seen your work before, they may very well require time to study the patch you are sending them.

One important aspect of CVS is that it does not replace developer communication. This is such an important point that I will say it again. CVS does not replace developer communication. What does CVS not replace? That's right. Developer communication.

Nor does CVS replace good design or documentation. CVS will ease management of the code, and give greater overview to all parties involved. Do not destroy this benefit by not thinking or not documenting your project.

A module owner should ensure he or she knows at all times, what their developers are working on, and should strive to avoid incompatible APIs being implemented, and so on. Developers must regularly supply details of their involvement to the module owner.

Before seeking approval

Before commit

After commit

Import Policy

Importing is used to bring new modules under CVS control. Do not use 'cvs add' to add modules to the repository. This feature should only be used to expand already existing modules. When incorporating existing code into a module, or adding a new module to the repository, you must use the cvs import command.

During normal operation, CVS will expand or edit any occurance of $Id$ to reflect details of the previous commit.

When you import software written by others, you should look for signs in the source that it has been managed by CVS or RCS. If it has, replace any occurance of $Id: ... $ with something that applies to the project name, e.g. for Snort, you would use $Snort: ... $, for cfengine you would use $cfengine: ... $.

CVS will not update $Snort$ et al but it will update $Id$. This enables humans to much easier track 3rd party source code, as it maintains the original CVS revision numbers.

Merge Policy

Merging is usually done to bring tested changes from a development branch into the branch from which releases are built. If merges are not controlled and tested, they may become the cause of much fixing of the broken tree.

For this reason, merges should always be done by the person who knows the code best. In most cases this will be the module owner, but it does not have to be, if the changes were made in a section that the module owner rarely works on.

Try the merge. Do a build and run the regression tests. If all of those pass, communicate with the module owner, and agree how to do the commit.

If anything fails, document what you did (the exact cvs commands necessary to generate the appropriate files, for instance -- the script utility is great for that kind of thing) and pass that back to the module owner via email. This way you don't commit invalid code into the repository, but the developer can still see things in the same way that you did.

Approval & notification

If applicable, certain changes committed to the CVS repository might need to carry the approval of the module owner. This approval may be implicit or explicit, but it gives the module owner the right to revert any changes he or she feels are not correct.

For complex issues it is entirely reasonable to discuss the best implementation with the module owner or other committers experienced with the paticular module. This saves time as it will help prevent poor quality code being committed and later reverted.

For every change committed to the CVS repository, a notification email is sent out to interested parties. These interested parties are all other developers that work on a particular module.

Revert Policy

Module owners will occationally see a need to revert changes that were committed to the repository. This could be for a number of reasons, but each instance requires that everyone working on the module is notified of the nature of the revert and the reason behind it. An exceptionally long log message with intimate details is quite an acceptable means for this.

If the revert changes APIs or anything else related to development it should be brought up at in the relevant forum (status meeting, mailing list, ..) so each committer takes the time to read the log message and understand the nature of the change.

If the revert was made because of a mistake made by a committer this too needs to be addressed with the individual committer so he or she understands and agrees that the original commit was unacceptable. A decision should be made by the module owner on how to proceed: should the change not go in the code at all or should the design and/or implementation simply be revised? It would also be up to the module owner to determine who is responsible for revising the commit. If the mistake was grave, it is entirely reasonable that another committer is given the task.

The goal here is to provide an incentive for being careful before committing code to the repository.

CVS Server Configuration

Initial setup

The repository, $CVSROOT, can be created locally:

$ cvs -d /usr/local/cvs init

Or remotely:

$ cvs -d host:/usr/local/cvs init

Once this is done, make sure /usr/local/cvs is owned by the correct group. If your system does not honour SGID on directories by default (e.g. Linux) you will need to set the group +s bit. At this point you may want to make $CVSROOT/CVSROOT owned by a seperated, more trusted group as anyone with write access to this directory will be able to execute arbitary commands on your system.

You must also make sure that your committers have a suitable umask when committing to your repository. The umask should be 007 (or possibly 002 if you are not worried about how might read your repository) to ensure group maintains write access to all files.

Remote access to the repository

You will want to access the repository via SSH. Some people may be recommending that you use the pserver method, due to reasons that it is dangerous to give out system accounts to people you may or may not trust. Do not listen to this advice. You really, really want to use SSH. And I do not mean SSH tunnels either. It is entirely possible to let complete strangers authenticate against your system and only give them access to run cvs server. Every user must have an account on the system, have the cvs binary in their path, and be in the group that is allowed to write to where ever $CVSROOT points to.

Use SSH's command keyword to restrict incoming sessions to running the desired CVS command:

command="/usr/bin/cvs server" 1034 34398f8983434...

This raises the bar significantly. To do more damage to your system, someone would need to find and exploit a security flaw in CVS. Hopefully, it will take the person long enough for you to discover that they are scum.

Committers who need full access must have their authorized_keys file changed. Only committers with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of CVS should ever need interactive access.

Access control inside the repository

CVS has no notion of security. Whatever it is allowed to do by the underlying OS, it will happily do. Hence, you will want to restrict which modules your committers have access to.

In general, 'group' should have read/write capabilities to the file. Most files do not need to be world readable. Make sure each committer has the correct umask set at login time. Create seperate UNIX groups for each project, or each class of projects you want to protect. Your OS may impose a limit of how many groups a single user can be a member of. In many cases, this limit is 16, so you may have to think about how you build your access levels. (FreeBSD 5.0 supports Mandatory Access Control, which helps).

The contents of most files inside CVSROOT are executed on commit, so they must be protected against tampering. You almost certainly want a seperate UNIX group owning the CVSROOT directory. Only CVS administrators should be in this group.

Commit notification via email

To further communication between developers, you should consider creating mailinglists to which notification of commits are mailed. Such resources aid in avoiding conflicts in changes as well as raising general awareness of code changes.

I use the cvs-syncmail script to mail out a log message and unified diff for every commit to my projects where more than one person is active. I even mail myself diffs for certain things, just to help me recall how far along a task has come.


Below follows a mail thread which I started on the cvs-info list to clarify some of the issues with storing a CVS repository on NFS.

Alex Holst wrote:
> I fear I may have misunderstood the problems with NFS and CVS. As the two
> different threads in the archives on NFS didn't clarify the issue for me, I
> hope someone can clarify.
> I was under the impression that it was bad to share the CVS repository over
> NFS, so hence I have kept our repository on local disks in a machine that is
> accessed via SSH.
> For various reasons, I was queried why the repository is not placed on a NFS
> storage device, mounted on the CVS server which is then accessed via SSH. I
> quoted the NFS sharing problems, but the person retorted saying he has
> experienced large projects using NFS mounted on a frontend machine. Can
> anyone comment on the reliability of this? I don't understand why the
> problems would be any different simply by using a frontend machine. It's
> still NFS with whatever problems it carries with it.
> Thanks,
> Alex

Here's an example of an old setup we used without problems:

The repository is hosted on a Solaris NFS mounted drive.
 - Solaris clients may mount the repository for editing/cvs.
 - NT clients can not map the repository locally. They must use rsh/ssh/pserver.
 - NT clients can map the Solaris *sandbox* for editing, but not for cvs.


Alex Holst wrote:
> I fear I may have misunderstood the problems with NFS and CVS. As the two
> different threads in the archives on NFS didn't clarify the issue for me, I
> hope someone can clarify.
> I was under the impression that it was bad to share the CVS repository over
> NFS, so hence I have kept our repository on local disks in a machine that is
> accessed via SSH.
> For various reasons, I was queried why the repository is not placed on a NFS
> storage device, mounted on the CVS server which is then accessed via SSH. I
> quoted the NFS sharing problems, but the person retorted saying he has
> experienced large projects using NFS mounted on a frontend machine. Can
> anyone comment on the reliability of this? I don't understand why the
> problems would be any different simply by using a frontend machine. It's
> still NFS with whatever problems it carries with it.
> Thanks,
> Alex
because you are only having one machine do the disk/NFS access, so there are no
race conditions with the creation of locks files (yes I still think there is a
race ... I have seen the problem when all machines were running the same
version and patches of solaris with ~8 developers).  Apparently AFS may be a
bit better at handling the locks, but try looking for threads on AFS as well,
these issues were discussed there and some of my errors in thinking were
corrected by Larry there.  

"Re: CVS and AFS"
"22 Jun 2001"
Todd Denniston, Code 6067, NSWC Crane mailto:Todd.Denniston@SSA.Crane.Navy.Mil
I'd crawl over an acre of 'Visual This++' and 'Integrated Development
That' to get to gcc, Emacs, and gdb.  Thank you.
        -- Vance Petree, Virginia Power
NFS is discouraged because there have traditionally been problems with
subtle incompatibilities between implementations, and it must also be
configured properly in order to maximize reliability.  Also, there have
been numerous reports of file corruptions taking place while writing
RCS archives over NFS, though I have not heard any lately on a properly
configured system.

To properly configure NFS, you must hard-mount the volumes (not soft-mount).
If there's an option to interrupt the NFS calls then enable that as well
(otherwise your clients become unresponsive to signals when the NFS server

I have also personally experienced a problem with a major vendor's network
storage array where it would change "rename(a,b)" calls to "unlink(a)"
under load and fail to report an error.  This caused CVS to think it
successfully updated an RCS file, but then lose the update and keep the
old one.  This led to a fair amount of lost work and corrupt workspaces
(the workspaces were "more up-to-date" than the repository).  But this
happened probably 7 or 8 years ago and I'm sure it's fixed by now.

>--- Forwarded mail from a@area51.dk

>I fear I may have misunderstood the problems with NFS and CVS. As the two
>different threads in the archives on NFS didn't clarify the issue for me, I
>hope someone can clarify.

>I was under the impression that it was bad to share the CVS repository over
>NFS, so hence I have kept our repository on local disks in a machine that is
>accessed via SSH.

>For various reasons, I was queried why the repository is not placed on a NFS
>storage device, mounted on the CVS server which is then accessed via SSH. I
>quoted the NFS sharing problems, but the person retorted saying he has
>experienced large projects using NFS mounted on a frontend machine. Can
>anyone comment on the reliability of this? I don't understand why the
>problems would be any different simply by using a frontend machine. It's
>still NFS with whatever problems it carries with it.

>--- End of forwarded message from a@area51.dk
Alex Holst writes:
> For various reasons, I was queried why the repository is not placed on a NFS
> storage device, mounted on the CVS server which is then accessed via SSH. I
> quoted the NFS sharing problems, but the person retorted saying he has
> experienced large projects using NFS mounted on a frontend machine. Can
> anyone comment on the reliability of this? I don't understand why the
> problems would be any different simply by using a frontend machine. It's
> still NFS with whatever problems it carries with it.

The problems with NFS are subtle, hard to characterize, and nearly
impossible to reproduce.  The damage that they can cause to a repository
is also subtle and usually not noticed until long after it occurs. 
Given that, and the value most people place in their repository data,
the general advice is to avoid NFS.

However, I'll do my best to explain the situation so that people can
make informed decisions.  First, let me note that lots of people store
lots of data using NFS without any problems -- it is *not* a totally
unreliable system.

There is one theorietical problem with the NFS protocol and CVS's
locking mechanism (which may be fixed in NFS V3): it is possible for CVS
to think it has failed to obtain a lock when it actually has, and thus
lock itself out of the repository.  Note that this is at least a *safe*
failure -- it cannot cause loss of data, only denial of service.  It has
also never been reported in practice to my knowledge.

All the other problems are caused by implementation bugs, they are not
problems with the NFS protocol per se.  In my experience, the bugs are
almost always interoperability bugs.  That is, using the same platform
for client and server almost always works correctly; it is only when the
client and server are different platforms that you have problems.  And,
of course, both vendors will insist that their implementation is correct
and the problem is obviously with the other vendor's implementation. 
Systems which are specifically designed to be file servers seem to have
fewer problems than workstations being used as file servers (probably
because they're better tested against a wide variety of client
platforms).  Servers with a single client (as in your frontend machine
scenario) seem to have fewer problems than servers with lots of clients.
Large files seem to be more prone to damage than lots of small files

And finally, although I haven't confirmed it myself, a number of people
have reported that using client/server CVS is faster than using NFS to
access the repository.

-Larry Jones

I don't see why some people even HAVE cars. -- Calvin
Paul Sander writes:
> [...] and it must also be
> configured properly in order to maximize reliability.

Let me second that.  In the not-too-distant past, there was at least one
major workstation vendor whose default NFS configuration was set to
maximize performance at the cost of reliability.  That is *not* how you
want to configure NFS if you're going to be using it to access a
valuable repository.

-Larry Jones

Shut up and go get me some antiseptic. -- Calvin

Suggestions for one developer, multiple machines

Newsgroups: comp.software.config-mgmt
Subject: Re: suggestions for one developer, multiple machines?
From: lpa@rexx.com (Pierre Asselin)
Message-ID: <1016486466.860181@rexx.com>
Date: 18 Mar 2002 15:09:32 -0600

Ethan Shayne <eshayne@bigfoot.com> writes:

>I have two separate machines, a desktop and a laptop. I do the bulk of
>my development on the desktop machine, currently using CS-RCS for
>version control (though I have considered switching to Visual
>SourceSafe). The desktop and the laptop are networked together when I
>am at home. I am the only developer working with this code, so I am
>not concerned about multiple people nor issues of simultaneous access,
>just multiple machines and trying to keep the files in sync.

>When I travel, though, I have three issues:

>1. Prior to leaving, I need to get the laptop development files sync'd
>up to the latest version/the version on the desktop.

>2. While traveling, I still want the ability to use the benefits of a
>version control system. Namely, rolling back to previous versions, and
>checking in files in mid-development. But usually when traveling I
>don't have access to my home network nor to the internet.

>3. After returning home, I need to get everything sync'd back up on
>the desktop.

I use CVS on linux (but there are Windows clients and an NT server
too).  The repository is on the desktop, the laptop can check out
sandboxes over the LAN.  When I leave,

On the desktop:
    1.1)  Commit and tag the trunk.
    1.2)  Start a branch for the "away" work.
    1.3)  cvs export from the tag point.
    1.4)  copy the exported tree to the laptop.

On the laptop,
    2.1)  Create a local CVS repository, if necessary.
    2.2)  Import the tree.
    2.3)  Check out a sandbox.

Then I can start hacking on the laptop's sandbox after I leave.
When I come back,

On the laptop:
    3.1)  Commit and tag.
    3.2)  Generate a patch (cvs rdiff -kk -rstarttag -rfinishtag ...)
    3.3)  Copy the patch to the desktop.

On the desktop:
    4.1)  Check out a new sandbox on the "away" branch.
    4.2)  Apply the patch.
    4.3)  Commit and tag (on the branch).
    4.4)  Merge to the trunk.

Back on the laptop:
    5.1)  Wipe out the away sandbox and the local CVS repository.
    5.2)  Check out again over the LAN.

Pierre Asselin
Westminster, Colorado

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