6th International Workshop on
High-Level Parallel Programming Models
and Supportive Environments

Call for Participation

(postscript version of the program)

( online proceedings, Springer LNCS volume 2026, ISBN 3-540-41944-6)

( April 23, 2001, San Francisco, California, USA)

Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, Technical Committee on Parallel Processing.

Held in conjunction with the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2001)
( April 23-27, 2001, San Francisco, California, USA )

Prior HIPS Workshops
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000

Program, Monday April 23, 2001

8:00-8:30 - Invited Talk: What will be the semantics of shared memory programming?
Assaf Schuster (TECHNION - Israel Institute of Technology)

8:30-10:00 - Session 1, chaired by Frank Mueller, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

10:00-10:30 - Break

10:30-12:00 - Session 2, chaired by Thomas Brandes, German National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD)

12:00-13:15 - Lunch (on your own ?)

13:15-14:15 - Invited Talk: Using PRAM Algorithms on a Uniform Memory Access Shared-Memory Architecture
David A. Bader (University of New Mexico, USA)

14:15-15:00 - Break

15:00-17:00 - Session 3, chaired by Luc Bougé, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France


HIPS'01 is a full-day workshop to be held at the IPDPS 2001 focusing on high-level programming of networks of workstations, computing clusters, and of massively-parallel machines. Its goal is to bring together researchers working in the areas of applications, language design, compilers, system architecture, and programming tools to discuss new developments in programming such systems.

In recent years, several standards have emerged with an increasing demand for support for parallel and distributed processing. On one hand, message-passing frameworks, such as PVM, MPI, and VIA, provide support for basic communication. On the other hand, distributed object standards, such as CORBA and DCOM, provide support for handling remote objects in a client-server fashion but also ensure certain guarantees for the quality of services.

The key issues for the success of programming parallel and distributed environments are high-level programming concepts and efficiency. In addition, other quality categories have to be taken into account, such as scalability, security, bandwidth guarantees, and fault tolerance, just to name a few.

Today's challenge is to provide high-level programming concepts without sacrificing efficiency. This can only be achieved by carefully designing for those concepts and by providing supportive programming environments that facilitate program development and tuning.

Past results in parallel computing on one side and distributed systems on the other side present opportunities for an increased transfer of knowledge between the areas. In particular, cluster computing presents a promising framework for parallel computing where advances from distributed systems can be utilized. Achievements in the area of automated performance analysis and performance modeling for parallel systems, on the other hand, may contribute to advances in performance analysis of distributed systems.

Future directions also include alternatives to current standardization practices, for example, by replacing client-server protocols with decentralized ones that may be more suitable for distributed systems. In addition, successful programming models, such as the shared-memory paradigm, should be investigated for new trends like cluster computing.

Papers should describe the interaction of high-level programming models with compilers, run time systems, and hardware support. Original submissions are invited in all areas relevant to this theme. Appropriate topics include (but are not restricted to):

Papers should describe the interaction of high-level programming models with compilers, run time systems, and hardware support.


Simply register for IPDPS 2001, and you can attend this workshop (as well as the main conference and the other workshops). Registration is administered by IPDPS 2001. The early registration deadline is March 31st, 2001.


Frank Mueller
Humboldt University Berlin
Institut fuer Informatik
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin, Germany
phone: (+49) (30) 2093-3011, fax: -3010

Steering Committee

Michael Gerndt Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Hermann Hellwagner Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
Frank Mueller Humboldt Universität Berlin, Germany
Martin Schulz Technische Universität München, Germany

Program Committee

Henri Bal Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
Arndt Bode Technische Universität München, Germany
Luc Bougé Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
Helmar Burkhart Universität Basel, Switzerland
John Carter University of Utah, USA
Karsten Decker ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Michael Gerndt Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Hermann Hellwagner Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
Francois Irigoin Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
Vijay Karamcheti New York University, USA
Peter Keleher University of Maryland, USA
Gabriele Keller University of Technology, Australia
Piyush Mehrotra ICASE / NASA Lanley Research Center, USA
Frank Mueller Humboldt Universität Berlin, Germany
Susanna Pelagatti Universita di Pisa, Italy
Thierry Priol IRISA, France
Alexander Reinefeld Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik, Germany
Martin Schulz Technische Universität München, Germany
Xian-He Sun Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Domenico Talia ISI-CNR, Italy
George Thiruvathukal DePaul University, USA