Jan B. Pedersen(Phd Student at the University of British Columbia
), Alan Wagner(Professor at the University Of British Columbia
To appear at (HIPS'01), San Francisco, California, USA, April 23, 2001
We present an algorithm for correcting communication errors using
delivered and undelivered messages.
It is used to suggest corrective measures to removing errors
ntroduced by typographical errors in message passing systems
like PVM and MPI.
The paper focuses on the validity of the algorithm by proving that for
a nontrivial number of errors the algorithm can suggest
changes to correct the errors.
abstract The algorithm has been implemented as a tool in Millipede
(MultI LeveL Interactive ParallEl DEbugger), which is a support
environment developed to assist programmers to debug message
passing programs at different abstraction levels.
NOTE: if necessary the proof for the theorem can be sketched instead of
fully proven