Using Loop-Level Parallelism to Parallelize Vectorizable Programs

D. M. Pressel(U.S. Army Research Laboratory ), J. Sahu, K. R. Heavey

To appear at (HIPS'01), San Francisco, California, USA, April 23, 2001


One of the major challenges facing high performance computing is the daunting task of producing programs that will achieve acceptable levels of performance when run on parallel architectures. Although many organizations have been actively working in this area for 5-10 years (or longer), many programs have yet to be parallelized. Furthermore, some programs that were parallelized were done so for obsolete systems (e.g., SIMD computers from Thinking Machines and MASPAR), and these programs run poorly, if at all, on the current generation of parallel computers. Therefore, a straight forward approach to parallelizing vectorizable codes is needed without introducing any changes to the algorithm or the convergence properties of the codes. Using the combination of loop-level parallelism, and RISC-based shared memory SMPs has proven to be a successful approach to solving this problem.

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