Lake Levels of Lake Summit in 24 Hour Period
- As of Feb'25: added calculated cfs line based on lake level
assuming fully spilling, horizotal red/blue/orange/red lines show
the equivalent release percentages; traffic light indicates flow as a color.
As of Feb'24: added discharge line, shows current release on
second y-axis; traffic light indicates release level as a color.
- As of Nov'20: changes tend to be at 6am and 1pm.
You can take a look
at Lake Levels of Lake Summit over last 7 Days
to figure out when levels tend to change.
After 2 hours of a constant flow, you should be able to infer the
release level. Given the 2-hour delay to the Narrows put-in, this is perfect
for locals.
Disclaimer: This will not work when/right after it rains though due to
extra in-flow!
The rain/extra flow adjusted references are now solid while the
base lines are dashed as the adjustments seem to work reasonably well
(still not perfect). The vectors should give you an idea of the
generation flow (color). You may have to add some inches to the gauge
based on the difference between solid and dashed lines of the same
color due to extra flow from tributaries (both into the lake and below
the lake).
Please report gauge levels and the time you obtained them to me
on Green(Narrows)Day@FB via PM so this tool can be improved.