#include #include #include "mytime.h" // GPU kernel __global__ void integrate(int *n, double *sum) { double h, x; int i; *sum = 0.0; h = 1.0 / (double) *n; for (i = 1; i <= *n; i++) { x = h * ((double)i - 0.5); *sum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x*x); } *sum *= h; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n; int *n_d; // device copy of n double PI25DT = 3.141592653589793238462643; double pi; double *pi_d; // device copy of pi struct timeval startwtime, endwtime, diffwtime; // Allocate memory on GPU cudaMalloc( (void **) &n_d, sizeof(int) * 1 ); cudaMalloc( (void **) &pi_d, sizeof(double) * 1 ); while (1) { printf("Enter the number of intervals: (0 quits) ");fflush(stdout); scanf("%d",&n); gettimeofday(&startwtime, NULL); if (n == 0) break; // copy from CPU to GPU cudaMemcpy( n_d, &n, sizeof(int) * 1, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); integrate<<< 1, 1 >>>(n_d, pi_d); // copy back from GPU to CPU cudaMemcpy( &pi, pi_d, sizeof(double) * 1, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost ); gettimeofday(&endwtime, NULL); MINUS_UTIME(diffwtime, endwtime, startwtime); printf("pi is approximately %.16f, Error is %.16f\n", pi, fabs(pi - PI25DT)); printf("wall clock time = %d.%06d\n", diffwtime.tv_sec, diffwtime.tv_usec); } // free GPU memory cudaFree(n_d); cudaFree(pi_d); return 0; }