Tutorial for Installing Linux Red Hat 7.2 over VirtualPC
You can download the ISO images (CD images) from the following directory.
The How To Download guide is provided in the below link from the Red Hat company, the link is listed below.
After the downloading the files, the ISO images should be burnt on 2 CDs, details are in the redhat.com guide. If you don't have a burner check with Dr. Mueller. Now, installing the Connectix VirtualPC (which will be provided by Dr. Mueller) is as straightforward as windows is. Of course you accept the agreement as asked. See below.
Next you go along and specify the directory you want to install Virtual PC in, then specify the language, and you're done with the installation of Connectix Virtual PC !
When you run Virtual PC for the first time, a wizard will run asking you for a serial number, this will also be provided by Dr. Mueller. Then when you're done with this wizard another wizard will show up.
Now with this wizard, the action begins! This is where you actually have to install the guest Operating systems. After clicking next the wizard will ask you to name the New Virtual PC. Input a name and continue. Then you will walk through configuration options dialog box.
Choose the "Guide me" option and proceed... Then choose the Linux from the drop-down box (that's what you see below).
Keep the memory allocated as it is in the next dialog, unless you're really rich and you have a large size memory, then make it bigger. In the next dialog, you'll be asked for selecting one of two options.
Now select the option of "Select an existing hard disk image", and u can ftp the existing preconfigured image from this location. Then after downloading it you specify the location of the file and you're done.
But if you choose to setup a new image then select "Create a new hard disk image", the wizard will ask you where do u want to put the guest OS (in what directory). Then go to the Virtual PC, select the PC that you've just created for installing the Linux on it and click on "Start Up", and make sure that the CD which contains the ISO image of Linux (the installer CD) is in the drive, and installation will begin. Once it begins the installation of Linux Red Hat 7.2 is very straight forward.