Project: Three NAS-PB Benchmark: IS/CG/DT Using CUDA optimization

Group Members:

Group Members Email Office
Fei Meng fmeng AT EBII 3226
Abhishek Dhanotia adhanot AT Partners I 2300
Fang Liu fliu3 AT Partners I 2300

Problem Description:
Possible hotspots of these benchmarks:

Outline for solutions:
    Student Name Benchmark Language Computation hotspot function
    Abhishek Dhanotia CG Fortran conj_grad
    Fang Liu DT C RandomFeatures
    Fei Meng IS C rank

    Links to: Final Report. Codes of IS, CG, DT.
    Previous Reports: HW5 and HW4.

  1. M. Frumkin. Data Flow Pattern Analysis of Scientific Applications
  2. Stephen Whalen. Optimizing the NPB CG benchmark for multi-core AMD Opteron microprocessors
  3. D. Bailey, E. et al. The NAS Parallel Benchmarks