Memory traces are generated using Intel’s binary instrumentation tool called PIN. Generated trace
consists of instruction-type (load/store), address, program counter, stack signature and thread
identifier. Memory trace generator also performs stackwalk to compute signature and filters irrelevant
instructions. Thus generated Memory traces of load/store instructions are fed into the compression tool. Memory
traces are compressed based on two criteria. One is intra-task compression based on starting address and
stride within a single thread. Other is inter-task compression where starting address varies depending on
the thread identifier but length and stride are identical across multiple threads.
Intra-task compression is done by extending the concept of representing single loops using
'Regular Section Descriptors' (RSDs) to express load and store instructions nested in loops, in
constant-size. An RSD is represented as <start_address, stride, length, LD/ST>, where length indicates
the loop count, stride indicates the distance between the memory accesses of each iteration. EPRSD
represents the loop dependencies by grouping the individual RSDs or EPRSDs together. An
EPRSD is represented as <start_value, thread_id_based_offset, stride, length, RSD1, RSD2, EPRSD1> - ‘start_value’
and ‘thread_id_based_offset’ are only used for inter-task compression. Inter-task compression is done by
identifying repetitive patterns of RSDs or EPRSDs across multiple threads. Another level of EPRSD is used
to represent the task level dependency where the length, stride and base address are shown as a function of
thread id.
Project Proposal
Final Report(Current Status)
EPRSD library Code for Download
Last Updated: 7th Dec 2009