- Week 1 (10/11/2009 ~ 10/18/2009) Brainstorming
- Week 2 (10/19/2009 ~ 10/25/2009) Goal: Make RandomSourceFilter<float> | DelayFilter<float, float> work
- Refactoring the filter class hierarchy (10/21):
- Abstract base class: FilterBase
- Filter<inType, outType> -> FilterBase
- other filters derived from Filter<>. Examples are RandomSourceFilter<outType>, FileSourceFilter<outType>, SocketSourceFilter<outType>, FileSinkFilter<inType>, SplitFilter<inType, outType, fanOutSize>, JoinFilter<inType, outType, fanInSize> ...
- TODO: Are we gonna support multiple in/out stream/types? If so, the class may need refactoring again. High risk...
- Need a global system object that holds all topological information? Currently I have a StreamSystem object that knows all filters and their relationships.
- Designing data channel interface (10/22):
- Base Interface includes:
- int ChannelBase::reserve(void **, int bSize) : instead of push() to remove the extra memory copy
- void ChannelBase::reserve_done()
- int ChannelBase::pop(void **buffer, int peekBSize, int popBSize, int parallel, bool consumeFlag = true)
- Two kind of concrete channels<>: inter-process channel(in multiple node case), intra-process channel.
- Implementing the execution framework (10/23)
- Each filter is a cpu thread, currently
- Filter runs a kernel once its input is ready and meets the requirement for parallelism
- Channel buffer management? Currently using produce/consume style.
- Channel operations (reserve, pop) debugging (10/24,25): working
- Week3 (10/26/2009 ~ 11/1/2009) Goal: simple example working; integrate CUDA(defer)
- Adding TermOutFilter causes crash. debugging (10/26)
- Lessons learned: (a) add "volatile" keyword for class members if the class is run in multi-threaded. (b) g++ in mac seems to have bugs handling volatile variables, not sure if it is because of the compiler or pthread (10/27)
- Working on a way to gracefully terminate the program by flushing signals from source to sink filters. (10/28)
- RandomSourceFilter<float> | DelayFilter<float, float> | outputFilter<float> works. (10/29)
- Typelist is a potential solution to represent filters with multiple input and output ports. Filter now is defined as Filter<inTypeList, outTypeList> where the *TypeList can have arbitrary number of types in it. (See Loki::TypeList and "Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied") Re-factoring code... 10/30)
- Made FIR filter working. Need to change the algorithm in the channel buffer management: copy tail buffer to the front of the head in case the tail is large enough.
- Week4 (11/2/2009 ~ 11/8/2009) Goal: More test cases. Multi-node streaming
- Debugging (11/2/2009)
- Adding VecAddFilter, more bug fixes (multi input) (11/3/2009)
- Start extending to multi-node case. (11/4/2009)
- Design inter-connection channel class
- Week5(11/9/2009 ~ 11/15/2009) Goal: Design multi-node case
- Debugging multi-node case (11/14~11/17):
- Week6(11/17/2009~/11/23/2009) Goal: Implement multi-node case, add cuda support
- simple multi-node case working: identity filter (11/17)
- Refactor Makefile: add nvcc (11/17)
- Add gpu object per process. It encapsulates all cuda calls and provide dma functions. (11/18)
- Revise Channel classes to handle different end node configurations(GPU/CPU/Network->GPU/CPU/Network, 6 combs) (11/19)
- Add GPU kernel calls. (11/20): make several filter examples working
- Week7(11/24/09~11/30/09): Thanksgiving
- Week8(11/31/09~/12/06/09) Goal: IS benchmark on GPU
- Add random double generator filter (11/31/09)
- Rewrite Reduce filter (12/1/09)
- Add bucketsort filter(12/2/09)
- Bucket sort CPU version working(12/3/09)
- Add GPU part in bucket sort(12/4/09)