(c) Copyright 1996-2007 Regents of University of California MPI ID:PID MAPPING 0: 11842 MPI ID:PID MAPPING 0: 11842 IRS Sequoia Benchmark Version 1.0 NCPUS not specified, assuming NCPUS is equal to NDOMS. Setting NCPUS to 4 NZONES_PER_DOM_SIDE not specified, defaulting to 25 zones per domain side User Specified NDOMS = 4 User Specified NCPUS = 4 User Specified NZONES_PER_DOM_SIDE = 25 Deck Calculated NDOMS_PER_SIDE = 2 Deck Calculated ZONES_PER_SIDE = 50 Ratio of real zones to total zones - 0.640658 Total number of domains is 8. Largest domain is 0 with 15625 zones. Smallest domain is 0 with 15625 zones. Average domain has 15625 zones. Total number of zones 125000. generation completed INITIAL Setup NCPUS = 4 INITIAL Setup NZONES PER DOMAIN SIDE = 25 INITIAL Setup ZONES PER DOMAIN = 15625 INITIAL Setup TOTAL NDOMS = 4 INITIAL Setup TOTAL ZONECOUNT = 125000 INITIAL Setup TOTAL NDOMS PER SIDE = 2 INITIAL Setup TOTAL ZONES PER SIDE = 50 ----------------------------- rdifit - 0 time = 0.000000e+00 cycle = 0 subcycle = 0 dtc:0(-1,-1,-1) = 1.000000e-04 ----------------------------- Block 1: count 4 entering spu entering spu entering spu entering spu Block 2: count 4 Max iterations 100000 Block 1: count 4 entering spu entering spu entering spu entering spu Block 2: count 4 Max iterations 100000 xmain max wall sec = 0.000000000e+00 ----------------------------- rdifit - 140 time = 1.000000e-04 cycle = 1 subcycle = 1 dte:0(50,1,1) = 3.052540e-06 ----------------------------- Block 1: count 4 entering spu entering spu entering spu entering spu Block 2: count 4 Max iterations 100000 Block 1: count 4 entering spu entering spu entering spu entering spu Block 2: count 4 Max iterations 100000 ----------------------------- rdifit - 10 time = 1.030525e-04 cycle = 2 subcycle = 2 dte:0(3,18,12) = 2.940152e-07 ----------------------------- Block 1: count 4 entering spu entering spu entering spu entering spu Block 2: count 4 Max iterations 100000 Block 1: count 4 entering spu entering spu entering spu entering spu Block 2: count 4 Max iterations 100000 Stop cycle reached time = 1.033466e-04 cycle = 3 subcycle = 3 dte:0(3,18,11) = 1.678949e-08 ----------------------------- rdifit - 9 time = 1.033466e-04 cycle = 3 subcycle = 3 dte:0(3,18,11) = 1.678949e-08 ----------------------------- BENCHMARK microseconds per zone-iteration = 0.00050958490566038 BENCHMARK FOM = 7849526066.3507 BENCHMARK CORRECTNESS : PASSED wall time used: 3.748000e-03 seconds total cpu time used: 3.539000e+01 seconds physics cpu time used: 2.341000e+01 seconds Total zones 1.250000e+05. Average physics time 2.520082e+01 +/- 4.930496e-04 seconds. Timer resolution 1.000000e-06 seconds. Min physics time 2.520033e+01 seconds. Max physics time 2.520132e+01 seconds. Overall Microseconds/zone/cycle 6.720351e+01. Average Microseconds/zone/cycle 6.720219e+01 +/- 1.314799e-03.