CSC 548 -- Parallel Systems

Name Days Time Room
Class Section 001 MW 10:15am-11:30pm EB2 1229
Instructor Frank Mueller T 9:30-10:30am EB2 3266
TA Harsh Khetawat TTh 1:00pm-3:00pm EB2 1229B

Syllabus and Policies Submit Homework
Anonymous Feedback Message Board (Moodle)
TRACS Calendars and Exam Schedules Grade Book

Lecture Notes and Reading Material
Midterm sample
Homework Avg Due Time
HW1 94.93 12th September @ 11:55PM
HW2 88.80 26th September @ 11:55PM
HW3 96.97 15th October @ 11:55PM
HW4 TBD 29th October @ 11:55PM
HW5 TBD 12th November @ 11:55PM
HW6 TBD 3rd December @ 11:55PM

Links to Resources on the Web
