This documents lists some of the important points to be considered while installing ACE+TAO on Redhat Linux systems. General Points -------------- 1. ACE and TAO both should be compiled with same versions of gcc compiler. Because different versions of gcc may not be binary compatible with each other e.g. gcc2.96.81 and gcc3.0.2 This creates problems because dynamic libraries of ACE are also used by TAO. So they both must be binary compatible. 2. If you want to undo the compilation of some version of gcc which is not proper, you should issue "make realclean" instead of "make clean" which removes dynamic libraries also. Two versions of gcc side by side -------------------------------- 1. Download the tarball of the newer version from and unzip and untar it. 2. Follow the installation guidelines on the above site (recommended), or see below for a short description: i. Change to gcc-x.x.x directory and type "configure". ii. Type "make bootstrap". iii. Type "make install". This will install gcc and put binaries in /usr/local/bin directory and libraries in /usr/local/lib which are chosen by default by the installer. 3. Now you have two versions of gcc installed in your system. The older version will have it's binaries in /usr/bin and libraries in /usr/lib directories. These are the default directories searched for binaries and libraries. So still a quick "gcc -v" will show older version in effect. 4. To make newer version effective, add /usr/local/bin in PATH before /usr/bin. This makes newer binary effective. 5. Add an entry for /usr/local/lib in /etc/ and run ldconfig. This will reconfigure the Loader to search /usr/local/lib also for library files. 6. Now "gcc -v" should show newer version and it will link to newer libraries.