*************************************************************** Installation notes for ACE + TAO on Redhat Linux (5.1 or Later) *************************************************************** Before start make sure that you don't have gcc2.96.xx version of gcc that is shipped with latest Redhat Linux 7.x.x because it has problems compiling ACE. gcc 3.0.2 is tested and recommended. If you have some other version and you want to upgrade or keep both the version side by side view the documentation for gcc at www4.ncsu.edu/~nvdesai/compiler.txt 1. Create a directory (say my_acedir) 2. Create another directory (say ace_root) such that it is not a subdirectory of my_acedir 3. Download the current version of ACE+TAO from http://deuce.doc.wustl.edu/Download.html in my_acedir 4. Download the Installation script (ACE-install.sh) from http://www4.ncsu.edu/~nvdesai into any directory except the two mentioned above. 5. Modify MY_ACEDIR local variable in the script to your my_acedir. 6. Add two environment variables ACE_ROOT: pointing to your ace_root directory TAO_ROOT: pointing to $ACE_ROOT/TAO LD_LIBRARY_PATH: Path to search for Shared Object Files This can be done by adding following lines in ur .bash_profile file: ACE_ROOT = ace_root TAO_ROOT = $ACE_ROOT/TAO LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ACE_ROOT/ace:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export ACE_ROOT TAO_ROOT LD_LIBRARY_PATH 7. Run the script as "sh ACE-install.sh". Provide relevant inputs when prompted. 8. When asked to enter the config file, enter following: config-linux.h 9. When asked to enter the macros file, enter following: platform_linux.GNU 10. The Script will run for about 5-6 hours compiling all ACE classes. 11. To test the correctness of the installation change to ace_root/tests directory and $./run_test.pl 12. Check out the corresponding log files in ./log directory for possible errors 13. Make sure that "localhost" is a valid host name. There should be an entry in the /etc/hosts file that defines "localhost" as "" 14. Change to ace_root/tests and $./run_test.pl This will run the test programs one by one and log the results in aceroot/tests/log directory. Study these log files for any errors. Be sure to run these tests as superuser. 15. Change to ace_root/apps/gperf and do $make. This will build gperf application and perform necessary tests and print the results. 16. Change to tao_root directory and type "make >> Log.install". This will take more than 12 hours to compile !!! After you come back check whether there are any error messages on the terminal. Study the log file too.