CSC714 Real-Time Computer Systems

Group 4 Project Description

Remote Controller and WebCam for Lego Mindstorm RCX

Group Member

Haihui Huang(

Xuejun Sun(

In this project, our goal is to use an IR tower or another RCX to control the RCX to do the following tasks:
The remote control system will be implemented with two seperate components:
Communication between PC IR tower and the RCX uses LegOS Network Protocal(LNP).

The URL for this project is

To acheive the above goal, we will do the following:
  1. Experiment with legOS LNP and IR communications
  2. Define the control communication protocol between RCX and IR tower or controller RCX;
  3. Implement the above functionalities with programs under legOS and Linux;
  4. Implement the control interface;
  5. Advance to WebCam project if possible