/*********************************************************************/ /*** Mote API ***/ /*********************************************************************/ /*********************/ /*** InitZigbee ***/ /*********************/ INT8 InitZigbee(); Input Args - None Output Args - None Return Value - 0 if success; non-zero if error This function initializes the Zigbee interface of the adapter for the Renesas board. This function must be called before any sensor gathering activity occurs. The return code should be checked for any error conditions. /*********************/ /*** StopZigbee ***/ /*********************/ INT8 StopZigbee(); Input Args - None Output Args - None Return Value - 0 if success; non-zero if error This function performs a shutdown of the Zigbee interface of the adapter for the Renesas board. This function can be used to save power or to prevent incoming asynchronous data. The initialization function must be called again before any Mote activity can happen. /*********************/ /*** QueryMote ***/ /*********************/ INT8 QueryMote( UINT8 mote ); Input Args - mote to be queried Output Args - None Return Value - 0 if success, non-zero if error This sends a query packet over the Zigbee interface to the Mote that is given by the integer index. No data is returned by this function, the mote will transmit the data values asynchonously. The return code is 0 if the packet was transmiited successfully, non-zero if there was a problem. /*********************/ /*** MotePacketIn ***/ /*********************/ INT8 MotePacketIn( void * packet_data ); Input Args - incoming packet data from Zigbee interface Output Args - None Return Value - 0 if success, non-zero if error This function is called asynchronously whenever a Zigbee packet is incoming. This function processes the packet for data and updates the Mote structures (or files) with any incoming data values. /*********************/ /*** MoteUpdateTest***/ /*********************/ INT8 MoteUpdateTest( UINT8 mote ); Input Args - mote to be upated Output Args - None Return Value - 0 if success, non-zero if error This function is called to generate test data for a Mote device. The will create a file using the File API and place the results in the file according to the Mote structure. /*********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/