Pull based Migration of Real-Time Tasks in Multi-Core Processors

CSC 714 Real Time Computer Systems

-Abhik Sarkar




����������� Multicores are becoming ubiquitous, not only in general-purpose but also embedded computing. However, on such platforms prediction of timing behavior of real-time tasks is becoming increasingly difficult. While real-time multicore scheduling approaches help to assure deadlines based on firm theoretical properties, their reliance on task migration poses a significant challenge to Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) predictability in practice. Task migration actually (a) reduces timing predictability for contemporary multicores due to cache warm-up overheads while (b) increasing traffic on the network-on-chip (NoC) interconnect.


����������� During the course of this project, we intend to design a pull based cache migration scheme that migrates the valid cache lines of the migrated task before the next invocation of the task on the target core. This overlaps the slack time with warm up of the target cache. Hence, it has the potential to prevent of preventing the increase in execution time of task due to cache migration and improving WCET predictability. ��




Latest Updates


03/16/2009����� Homepage created.

04/01/2009����� Progress report uploaded.

04/21/2009����� Final report uploaded.






        Project proposal

        Progess Report

        Final Report




For problems and questions regarding this webpage contact : Abhik Sarkar

Last updated- 04/21/2009