README 1.To compile the files, just run the batch file ¨C ¡°go.bat¡±. It will compile the files using different optimization levels, and link together. After compiling, there will be lots of different files created, .hex, .map and .elf etc. At last, it will generate the size information. 2.ISP programming: Connect STK500 ISP and the device using 6-wire cable. Download the .hex file to the processor using AVR studio. 3.Use the switch to power on the system after downloading. It will then show its ID on the display. 4.To start a test, press the buttons in the following order B3 -> B1 -> B3 ¡°Bench¡± -> B1: choose fixed destination (default) or B2: choose different destination Next, press B3 to enter protocol mode: ->B2: Aloha Protocol or ->B3: MACA Protocol Once the protocol test starts, the right two LEDs (LED1 & LED2) will be on or off, indicating that it is listening or sending. After testing, press B1 to save the results. When saving is done, LED2 will be on and then off. 5.To check the result, connect with HyperTerminal using two wires and turn on the system. Follow this order on the device: B3 -> B1 ->B3 -> B3 -> B1 Then the information will be displayed in the following order: RxPacket TxPacket TxACK RxACK MACA TxRTS TxCTS RxRTS RxCTS RxPacket TxPacket TxACK Aloha RxACK