Ad-hoc Social Networking for the Google
Android Platform
Project Proposal
CSC 714 Real Time Systems
David Gurecki
The objective is to explore possibilities for ad-hoc networking between G1 Android phones for the application of social networking. While the G1 phone’s wireless networking capabilities are typically used with a 802.11 access point, it is possible to configure the hardware in ad-hoc mode. This mode allows phones to communicate peer-to-peer without an access point. This project will address discovery of phones in communication range, ad-hoc data communications between phones, and exchange of location information to facilitate social networking applications. This may include displaying relative locations and exchanging text messages or other multimedia content.
· Status Report #1 (4/1/09)
Source Code
tutorial (3rd party)
Project Status
Task |
Status |
Investigate Wi-Fi tethering
software to configure G1 phone in ad-hoc wireless mode |
completed |
Establish an ad-hoc network
with a laptop |
completed |
Develop a scheme for
discovering other ad-hoc devices |
completed |
Test the discovery protocol
between 2 G1 phones in ad-hoc mode |
completed |
Develop software for
integrating with GPS and text input functions of the G1 phone using Android
SDK. |
completed |
Develop software for displaying
GPS location and text messages received from other ad-hoc peers on G1 phone. |
completed |
Develop software for
transmitting & receiving photos (time permitting). |
skipped |
Adapt the discovery protocol
to also discover other G1 phones on a WiFi network
managed by an access point (time permitting). |
completed |
· G1 Phone
· Android SDK
· Android Wi-Fi Tethering project
· Google Latitude