AdhocClient and AdhocClientTester CSC 714 Project #3 Spring 2009 Unpacking zip files ------------------- Assuming that you have Eclipse and the Android SDK installed on a PC, unzip both the and files into your Eclipse workspace folder. This will create the sub-directories for 2 individual projects which can then be imported via the Eclipse menus. Installing to a G1 phone ------------------------ Assuming you have an unlocked, rooted G1 phone and the abd.exe program in your path on your PC, change directory to: workspace/AdhocClient/bin With the G1 phone connected via USB port, execute: adb install AdhocClient.apk Starting the application ------------------------ Open the menu on the G1 phone and look for AdhocClient. Click the icon to execute. Press MENU and Setup, and choose a Username for yourself. Click the back arrow, and now you can switch back & forth between screens using the MENU button. Starting the Testing application -------------------------------- From a command-prompt, change to the following directory: workspace/edu.ncsu.AdhocClientTester/bin Execute: java AdhocClientTester Laptop where "Laptop" is the user-name of the simulator program. There will be no output until you configure your Laptop's WiFi radio into Ad-hoc mode, using the same SSID as the G1 phone (by default, this is G1Tether). Once the Tester receives the first heartbeat from the G1 phone, it will output messages to stdout and begin responding to the G1 phone using the source IP address of the heartbeat messages.