CSC 714 Projects, Spring 2009
- Pull based Migration of Real-Time Tasks in Multi-Core Processors, asarkar
- Security Techniques in Cyber Physical Systems, cjzimme2
- Ad-hoc Social Networking for the Google Android Platform, dwgureck
- CPU Shielding: Investigating Real-Time Guarantees Via Resource Partitioning, jstillma
- Implementing Preemption Threshold Aware Simulator, with Support for RM, DM and EDF Priority Assignment Policies, sykang, kabhavsa
- Rubust Dynamic Re-routing Software Architecture by Combination of LEGO / RCX Kits and Motes, mmvasava, asdeshp2, kparasu
- Service Time Overlay for Google Maps, ksivara, maftab
- Save Gas Map Application for Google G1 Dev Phone on Android Platform, rraghav2, pdevanu
- Pac-bot, sgrover, ppal
- Android wifi social networking, ppmarqui, slokala
- Preemptive EDF Scheduler Implementation on an Embedded Platform, bbhat, sbudanu
- MAC Protocol Implementation on Atmel AVR for Underwater Communication, speng2
- Power-Aware DVFS on IBM PowerPC 405LP: Front Bus Scaling, mkamaru, sselvar
Combined set of class presentations