NXT Autonomous Retriever
A NXT-NXT Bluetooth controlled bot
Aakash Dave adave@ncsu.edu
The aim of the project is to implement an autonomous vehicle which takes input from a bluetooth controller and stops at a given location. It
follows a track by using light sensors so as to navigate the area.This is an emulation of item retrival logic where the bot stops at a preprogrammed waypoint and then returns.
Various track configurations can be used so as to implement this solution.
Project Proposal
Interim report 2
Interim report 3
Final report
Project proposal 3/16
Configure bluetooth event based control 3/22
Bot Design 4/3
Application Coding 4/10
Track Design 4/15
Testing and Debugging 4/20
Final Demo Setup 4/25
Report and Presentation 4/27
Autonomous Warehouse Robots
LegOS NXT Bluetooth
LegOS Nxt datalogging
NXT bluetooth programming