

Frank Mueller
mueller "at"
Office Hours: W 9:30-10:30 3266 EB2
ngholka "at"
Office Hours: TH 3-5 3226 EB2

Textbook: Real-Time Systems by Jane Liu.

Course prerequisites: CSC 451 or CSC 501 (Operating Systems). Helpful: CSC 114 (Intro to C++), CSC 224 (Applied Discrete Mathematics), CSC 234 (Computer Organization & Assembly Language), and MA 121 (Calculus).

Course purpose: This class prepares you to understand advanced research issues in real-time systems. You will be introduced to schedulability theory, resource handling, timing analysis, real-time operating systems, real-time system design, embedded architectures, soft real-time systems, middleware, qualty-of-service, power-awareness, distributed real-time systems and sensor networks. The material will cover numerous research papers besides the textbook. Current research will be presented by students and discussed to give a better understanding of open issues in real-time systems.

Course objectives: By the end of the course, you should be able to do the following things: