Tilera Board
We have acquired a Tilera
board with 64
processors with the Multicore Development Environment software.
- Software:
Development Environment (Linux 2.6, ZOL, BME, C/C++ SDK for Eclipse, hypervisor)
(see PB024_Tilencore_A_v3) with a
processor. Specs:
- TilePro64, 64 cores, 700MHZ, IPC=3,
- 16+8KB L1I+D, 64KB L2, soft 5MB L3=64xL2 (DDC), 4GB RAM
- 6 mesh networks: memory, streaming, user, cache, IPC, STN
- opt. Hardwall paritioning (diff. virt machines) of mesh
- 4 DDR2 memory controllers
- 2 Gbps Ethernet ports
- 2 PCIe controllers
- 2 10Gbps XAUI interfaces
- 2 Flex I/O interfaces (compact flash, disks)
More references:
- Before using the tilera board, you must have a reservation listed
on the calendar at calendar.google.com
- First Time Users: Once you log in, Under "My Calendars" please add a calendar with the name of your unityid and choose an unused color.
Instructions (Reservation account)
- Each time you make a reservation select to add the event onto the calendar of your unityid.
- Reservations consist of a network access port and a set of tiles 0 - 63.
- Username and Password Login Info (Limited Access).
- Instructions to start up a network session are provided in the readme.
- If you are starting a reservation during a time when another reservation has already started! Instructions (Reservation account).